BLAST FROM THE PAST: Twisted Peppermint (Winter 2012 blue version)

Products: candle
Area used in:  living room and bedroom
Time Period: mid January -

Description: A fragrance featuring merry and bright peppermint with touches of vanilla and sugary musk is the perfect companion for a very snowy day 

I have ignored this candle for the longest; despite all of the good reviews TP gets, I just never had any interest any it at all...that is until very recently. Several people on Facebook recommend burning this particular blue TP to help with headaches/migraines as well as congestion from colds. As I do get the occasional sinus headache as well as rare case of the sniffles in winter, I thought I might test its so called healing properties. And as it should happen, there were blue TPs still on the website at the time and it was during SAS so it was half off. I couldn't pass it up so I went ahead and bought one.

Let me tell y'all, this candles lives up to the hype! Whenever I have a sinus headache, I would burn it next to my bed and sure enough, it totally helped my headaches go away! Also, my bf was really sick awhile back and I would burn it by his side of the bed before he went to bed. Not only did the scent help ease him to sleep but it also cleared his congestion a bit. I'm tellin y'all, this candle is a lil miracle worker!

Now performance wise, this candle was a hot mess! It was a total DID - dud in disguise! The flames were super stubby and the wax tunneled every time; I rarely got a full deep wax pool. And when the wax hardened, there was a weird dent in the middle. However, throw was super strong, an absolute knockout!

I don't really have to go on about the scent cuz E'RYBODY knows what this smells like. It's a sweet peppermint scent..plain and simple. Although with that said, this blue version is a bit more medicinal and menthol-y than various white wax versions. I think the blue version is less candy smelling and more aromatherapy.

Seriously, if you're prone to headaches and migraines or winter bugs or if you want a soothing aromatherapy like, you gotta get this candle!


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