MY LAST POST: End of an Era

Have you ever looked back at something in your life that you were once passionate about and/or obsessed with and over time, you found yourself not feeling the same way anymore? Perhaps sort of going thru the motions with it or just completely over it but not ready to admit it?

That's how I feel about B&BW...more to the point, that's how I feel about talking about B&BW as a reviewer.

I've mentioned before that I stopped posting regularly on IG. During last year's lockdown, I would pop my head in with a post or a story just to keep in touch a bit and show I was alive...only to see my post not get as much attention as they used to as well as also watching one follower after the next unfollow me. Apparently if you're not churning out daily content, folks can't be bothered with you, regardless of what's going on in your life. At the start of 2020, I had a little over 6000 followers (even that annoyed me as there were accounts who started later than me and lacked my comprehensive knowledge/acumen and ability to ACTUALLY DESCRIBE A SCENT, still had 10x more followers); as of a few weeks ago, I had 4,980. I saw that number and had enough; last week I deactivated my account.

Then there's this blog that feels like it's on life support at this point. With this pandemic still hanging on with a vice like grip, I can't (or rather chose not to) make trips to my nearest store, so I can't smell things on the regular to review; if I can't review, that kind of makes this review blog redundant and pointless. I could write fluff posts to fill in but that's not why people come here; people want reviews, thoughts and opinions. And I don't want this blog to just be NEWNESS UPDATES of scents I'm never gonna smell, whats the point?

After much introspective soul searching and deliberating, I have decided to give up the ghost - I'm stepping down and away as a reviewer and retiring as Bronzeblogger permanently.

I had already been thinking about it before the pandemic started and only started writing again as a distraction from said pandemic. Honestly though, it felt like a chore. What once took me maybe an hour or 2 to write/edit and felt an electronic charge of excitement now would take me 4-5 hours with me getting distracted as my heart wasn't into what I was writing....which brings me to me next point...

If we can get a little Marie Kondo for a hot sec, BBW no longer sparks joy for me. The lack of newness, the constant repackages and re-releases, the pandering to the basics, the "style over substance" attitude, the crappy burns, the shorted burn time, price, why am I wasting my money or my time on crap...more importantly crap that longer makes me happy?!

When I started this blog circa 2013, BBW was actually exciting; they gave us something to talk about - I wanted to talk about it which is why I started this blog in the first place. After awhile, BBW just became more and more blah and I became less and less enthused to review anything. I got tired of reviewing so many scents I didn't like or was already tired of as well as always complaing and criticizing..and it would be one thing BBW was actually listening to me and taking what I said into consideration but nope, that wasnt the case. I'm kinda just peeing in the wind with it all flying back in my face.

Also the the climate of the candle community has changed dramatically in recent years and I don't feel like I belong in it anymore. There are so many newbies in the fandom who think BBW current products are the best things ever as they dont know better. More over there are people (particularly on social media) who got into BBW post-Golden Era and hype up every mediocre bargain basement candle that comes out of the warehouse for clout, likes and followers. I don't seem to resonant with both groups who a) dont know the difference between a reviewer and an influencer and a just a fan with a smartphone and b)see my warranted criticism as me being "negative" and a "hater" ; Im not being negative nor am I hating, Im just being honest. I could write a whole diatribe/essay on our culture's discomfort with truth/honesty with backed up intelligence while preferring half-truths and alternative facts and vague nonsense if it makes them feel good.

Lastly, I want to adress something there just isn't a conversation about and it desperately needs to be discussed - obsession and addiction. We all joke about being "candle obsessed" and "addicted to BBW" but it is a real thing; many of us (myself included) are truly obsessed and addicted. Look there's nothing wrong with having a habit and engaging in said habit by buying things to make yourself but there's a fine line and on that other side is mania and obsession which is not healthy. The fact that I was going to BBW several times a month if not a week just to sniff stuff to review...the fact I was going there before work, during lunchbreaks, on free time, on the weekends...the fact I wanted to go there more than any other place... the fact that I felt compelled to always post on here or on IG despite it not being a job with no compensation... the fact that I suddenly felt the need to stock up when I wasn't doing that before...the fact that at one time I had in my possession over 100+ candles...and I was proud of that. When I think of the money I've spent on BBW merch (particularly candles) from 2011 til last year, it makes me sick to my stomach. When I think of my other passions I could've pursued instead of reviewing, it makes me even sicker. Overall, it's just not a good look.

I felt like in some way that I endorsed/sponsored/ perpetuated some problematic aspects within the candle community - buying candles not to burn but to collect (and you already know how I feel about people buying candles just for the labels) and getting on social media to show off. Ugh, and dont get me started on the showing off and the whole "look what I found" attitude within the community. And I was just as guilty.

I think we all need to look at the bigger picture and really ask ourselves why are we spending all this money getting all of these candles and why many of us feel the need to show off what we saw and/or bought. Is it really making us happy? Or are we trying to fill an emotional void with either candles or with likes/follows from posting said candles? For the longest time, I didnt want to admit the sad truth - buying and collecting candles was a distraction of an unsatisfied life and a coping mechanism for my depression. And as for reviewing, actually having a following with folks seeing me as expert with opinions that were genuinely wanted and asked for when I didnt have that in other professional aspect of my life - in short, I felt like a somebody...and that's just sad.
Now that's not to say that everyone who is into BBW is an addict and/or has underlying issues but it is case for many of us and it needs to be addressed.

So I have struggled with depression since my teens, perhaps unknowingly even earlier. Reviewing was, during BBW'S heyday, a nice and pleasant distraction. And coming home to burn a much liked candle or going to my candle vault to sit and huff was lovely #self care. The pandemic threw things out of whack so no more going to stores to sniff and/or buy and with the lack of decent coupons (I don't remember the last time Ive seen or received a free shipping for $20) I'm not about that online shopping life. But the pandemic has given me some perspective. I didnt feel the need to run off to write reviews as my heart wasn't in it and honestly with everything going on in the world, writing about something so first world-y as candles felt overly frivolous. If it were a job that I made a living off of, that would be different but it was just a hobby - a hobby I wasn't enjoying anymore. Now I can just be in the moment and burn even more at my leisure like a average joe. 

So yeah it's been real but it's time. After 8 years of Bronzeblogger-ing, I'm ready to let it go and move on.

I just want to say thank to you dear reader as you are what kept me and this blog going. The fact that when I started this, shitty writing and no style or sense of me and all, I was a nobody that no one paid attention and I went from that to folks calling me an expert and actually wanting know/hear my opinions is wild to me. I've no delusions of grandeur and in the grand scheme of things, this is nothing however I'd be lying if I said that you dear readers made me feel special, a somebody and I'll always treasure that. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Bronzeblogger out!....


  1. I will miss your posts! Take care of yourself ❤

  2. I will miss you so very much! Thank you so much for your honest reviews. Take good care of yourself.

  3. I will miss your blog - I found it was one that was of substance. But I too - collected when I was depressed and as of over a year or so ago - I lost my luster for it and have been slowly selling off my "collection". I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

  4. I will miss your posts. They were honest and fun to read. I wish you the very best, and I hope your life is filled with happiness and success!

  5. I'm so sorry to see you leave! By far your reviews and scent descriptions are the best, since you go beyond "it smells really sweet and there's a strong vanilla note"! I completely understand, though. I'm tired of the poor quality candles I've gotten from BBW lately, I'm tired of the price increases, and I have too much s**t in my home. My focus now is to burn up what I already have. I too have fallen for the trap of "collecting" which has actually become hoarding. My BBW habit, and other shopping, was 1,000% a poor coping mechanism for dealing with my shitty life. I actually unfollowed you on Instagram, and all other BBW posters too, on New Years, because if I don't know what's coming, I can't be tempted. And I know myself, first time I see a new interesting scent, I'm gonna be like, oh I should buy that.... So I figured it was better to live in ignorance. I have never seen you as being excessively negative. Also I LOVE your sense of humor. There are people out there who seemingly can't handle any type of criticism, and get mad if someone else isn't 100% enthusiastic. I call it toxic positivity. It's really annoying. Anyway, I'll definitely miss your presence (I kept subscribed to you on my RSS feed so I still would see your posts here), but definitely you need to do what is right for you.

  6. Well it's definitely a sad day for your readers but I can appreciate your decision. I found your blog so on point and even expert. You're so right, everyone on social media can call themselves a "reviewer" but their reviews are not of any substance. I only want to hear an honest review, not a manufactured one. And actually I found your old reviews so educational. I only dabbled in candles during BBW's heyday so your knowledge is invaluable to me. Even though you are no longer blogging, I hope we will still be able to still read your past posts, a BBW candle encyclopedia if you will! Thank you so much for all the hard work you put forth into your blog. I loved it when I got an email notifying me of a new post! And I want you to know that candles are just a fun hobby for me. I enjoy them and I burn everything I buy!
    Peace and Love

    1. I still come back hoping Bronze decided to give us ONE MORE POST!! I miss ur posts so much and how honest U were ESPECIALLY w how drastic the community has changed w all the Newbies! Hope ur doing well Donovan if ever you decide to go bak on IG hit me up on my page @waxonxo

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  8. I will miss you and this blog but I totally respect where you're coming from and wish you all the best. If it doesn't make you happy, it's just not worth it. I hope you find joy wherever you seek it! <3

  9. I am truly heart broken as I look to this blog before every candle shopping trip! Thank you for everything!

  10. Can anyone recommend other good bbw candle bloggers? They seem to be few and far between. I'd really appreciate some guidance on this topic as I've been a loyal reader since the beginning of this blog.

  11. This is sad, but I get it.
    I really depended on your blog over the years and have been a little lost as your posts began to dwindle. Best of luck to you! I hope you find something else that feeds your soul and gives you life. I’m looking for it myself.

  12. I just want to say I have ALWAYS looked forward to your blogs, and I come here for the blunt straight up honesty and true knowledge you have always reflected in your posts. You opened my eyes to how this company works, it used to be beautiful...but lately I too have become so disenchanted with it. The magic has been gone for quite some time. I too do not have the patience for people that just lack the information on these candles. Whether it be repackages, shorter burn times, cost inflations, greedy advantages over the return gets very defeating.
    What I really came here to say is, I hope whatever endeavor your choose from this point forward, do it with your magic, your love, and happiness. I will really miss coming to this page and seeing your thoughts and insight. You have truly always been one of a kind to me. Give yourself the daily affirmations you want and need, may peace be with you. Thank you so much for everything you have given me in this community.

  13. Thank you for your expertise and POV — your voice will be missed! Candles aren't really sparking as much joy with me, either. I'll keep burning through my "collection" in your honor!

  14. Well this is sad but totally understandable. I always came to your blog when a new collection was being released to see what was worth checking out. You always seemed to know what was getting overhyped and honestly you kept me from buying nonsense a lot. So I guess the question is, what candles (if any) are doing it for you lately? I keep checking out Harry Slatkins Homeworx and the one I did buy was amazing.

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  17. I, too, have taken a step back from BBW since the beginning of COVID, moving my attention to wax melts from Etsy sellers. I purchased from them today for only the second time in over a year, and it was to buy wallflowers for my parents. Thank you for the time and effort you invested in this. Thank you for educating us on what candles truly smelled like so we wouldn't blindbuy and waste money. Thank you for telling us which were interesting, which were simple repackages. Thank you for pretty much everything. You have entertained us for years with your snarky wit and brutal honesty. I hope you remember you made an impact in a tiny corner of the internet. If you have any social media accounts still active, please do let us know where. I would love to follow you as you enter the next phase of your life. Much love and non-shitty candles. xxx

  18. This is a sad day for the candle community. I will miss you terribly. Your blog posts were always something I looked forward to as well as an ongoing guide to help me navigate my way through various BBW's collections. I'm truly sad. As I've told you in the past, I used to look forward to your candle inspired cocktails back in your YouTube days. When you quit that I was sad but understood and knew I would be able to see your posts and read your blog. There will never be another candle blog that will compare to yours. Your knowledge, humor and quick wit is unmatched. You are a true gem and I'm sure I speak for everyone else here, that if you ever decide to resume blogging we will be here for you. Much love to you and take care xx

  19. I understand everything you said as I feel the exact same way. The lock down of 2020 became a mirror for many of us to see those things we tried to think of as normal. You will be missed. Every post shared made each of us think...past the label, of every candle mentioned. Be well, and take care of yourself. Hugs.

    1. hiya - I am sorry to be a pain - I have been following your page for some time on insta but it has recently been set to private - would love to have my follow request approved - @banibani2001 - yours is the first page that had great insight into new releases. also would be interested to see what you find out about the 90s rerun body care collection which has been featured on @scentsgalore

  20. I completely understand your decision. That being said, I miss you. I miss your reviews. I miss your redos. I miss your presence in the community.
    And I love what you said.. there is a HUGE difference in a reviewer and an influencer. I do buy a lot but I refuse to buy every product in the store just to "keep up". I buy what I love and talk about it. I imagine there can't be genuine love behind those who are buying everything. But keeping up does seem to be part of the "game" of social media and I've found myself falling behind (especially on Youtube). Ive resigned myself to post when I want to, which has become increasingly less and less these days.
    I really felt many of the emotions you expressed because Ive been feeling similarly. I will always love and burn my candles, but won't always review.
    Take care of yourself and know you're missed.

  21. people might hate but this resonates with me. unfortunately the start of the pandemic has brought nothing but loneliness and deep depression. I have been occupying myself through collecting things. I started collecting fragrance after reaching 100 I then switched to Victorias secret mists which put me in the bath and body works mists hype then then I 'had' to have the matching body care. My newest vice is the candles. I know I am spiralling out of control. hopefully one day I have the strength to take the step that you did. here in the UK it is an expensive hobby.

  22. You are a talented writer! When you find what excites you next, blog about it - you have at least one follower here who found this last post to be one of your best and is excited to see where you
    might continue sharing your (next) journey - even if it is more about consumer culture and how you feel about it.

  23. I enjoyed your blog so much and referenced it before any purchase! Personally... you helped me with not buying just to try. I hate returning things, so I would have ended up with candles I really didn't want.
    If you ever decide to write about candles again, how about interesting scents you find other places. Either way, I will keep checking back, because I enjoy your writing style. Thanks for helping me realize that its ok to not like Mahogany Teakwood!


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  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. You can boost your sale if you will pack your products in good packaging boxes. The Customize Boxes offered Custom Printed Boxes with free shipping across the USA in quick turnaround time. If You need Candle Packaging then you are at right place. just visit our website The Customize Boxes where we have all kinds of custom printed packaging without any die & plate charges.

  27. Coming in late but I’m really sorry you’re gone, tho I totally understand. Tbh I never really bought that many BBW candles, but every single purchase I made started with a visit to this blog. For one thing, your taste in fragrance is like mine. I’m a woman but give me cologney or fresh instead of sweet dessert crap every time, and how I hate Shit Cinnamon Pumpkin. So I could always count on being pointed in the right direction by your reviews. I loved reading your posts and going “yup, yup, yup” and learning at the same time. Even though I limited the candles I bought, I read you regularly just because I loved your dissection of fragrance notes and your writing style and your humor. I doubt I’ll find a candle blog as good as yours, and will probably be stuck with BBW reviews—“This candle smells really good” 😫 But your life & happiness comes before a blog, and I wish you the best.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Yours were by far the best reviews of bbw candles ever, and really helped me making online orders. Like you, I took a step back from my over consumption of products both before and during lockdown. I sought out your site today before placing a large order and was saddened to see you had left. But I'm glad you're doing what is best for you!

  30. It was an amazing blog. Very informative. Keep going. Good packaging boxes are a need of this century. From wholesaler to retailers, packaging boxes ae required and no one can take their place. Get Custom Candle Boxes at wholesale rates.

  31. Late to the party as always I will really miss you. Like you I am moving away from always buying candles or bbw prod. I’m trying to enjoy other things in life.
    Wishing you and yours all the best.
    Peace out

  32. bath and body Works is a specialty retailer and a go-to place for gifts and goodies that delight customers. It offers a range of exclusive fragrances for the body and home like body lotion and body cream, body wash, hand soap, and fine fragrance mist.

  33. Scented candles are a great way to add a touch of luxury to any space and they make a great gift for just about anyone. In this blog post, we'll be sharing our top ten picks for the best- scented candles to gift this holiday season.

  34. Popping in to say I hope you're doing well! I still reference your website when I'm comparing old BBW to new. Tinadivalicious (The Candle Channel now) and Joshua from Touch the Fire Twice are keeping your spirit alive with their cut0throat reviews and history of BBW fragrances. Cheers!


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