NEWNESS UPDATE: Fall 2015 Test Scents

Well ladies and gentlemen, it's about that time again - stores are testing the upcoming fall scent collections. Instagram has been blowing up with pictures of pretty much all of the candles in the lineup giving everyone a major fallgasm!

So it looks like we're getting 3 collections - we're getting classic conceptual fallsy outdoorsy collection with tinted/ombre tumblers a la Turquoise Waters, a very standard BBWian autumnal collection with a mix of old and new bakery and outdoorsy scents and of course..again..yet another all pumpkin and nothin but the pumpkin collection for the 3rd time in a row. At first glance, a good 80% percent of these sound and look new but then again, you never know until you sniff them.

Pumpkin Pie - Save room for this delicious autumnal blend of creamy pumpkin, whipped vanilla and flaky pie crust that's as sweet as your favorite pumpkin pie (Supposedly this is new and not Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin or Pumpkin Carving)

Pumpkin Milkshake - Drink up the best of fall in a cool creamy blend if pumpkin puree, vanilla ice cream and whipped cream (An Instagram gurlfriend said that this is a repackage of...VANILLA SNOWFLAKE!!!)

Pumpkin Spiced Cheesecake - Decadent velvety cheesecake transform your favorite fall treat into a something even more special in notes of spiced pumpkin, fresh cream and a golden crust (an Instagramer said that this smelled similar to Pumpkin Cupcake. Could this also be Pumpkin Carrot Cake from '13?)

Pumpkin Coconut - Enjoy a fall treat with a touch of the tropics in a blend of toasted coconut, spiced pumpkin puree and a dash of vanilla (First of all, ugghhh!!! Secondly, what the **** does coconut have to do with fall? Didn't we get enough of that ish in the summer? This is probably Vanilla Coconut with a touch of cinnamon? This better not go wide!!!)

Cranberry Pumpkin - Fresh from the patch, pumpkin blends with tart cranberry in a fragrance that brings the best of fall into your home (Hmmm..Cranberry Woods? Cranberry Harvest? Cranberry Cider?)

Pumpkin Sugar Cookie - Fresh from the patch, pumpkin, cinnamon sugar and a dash of vanilla, - all the ingredients to make the sweet scent of fall's finest cookie (it's not Pumpkin Sugared Toejam mess from last fall or Pumpkin Gingerbread or  Snickerdoodle from this winter. It apparently smells similar to Merry Cookie)

Apple Pumpkin Pancakes - Start your day with the satisfying scent of fluffy pumpkin pancakes topped with warm chopped apples and crunchy walnuts (what? no Pumpkin Pecan Waffles? Thank GOD!!! I'm intrigued! By all accounts, this smells very similar to my bae Apple Crumble)

Returning scents include Pumpkin Caramel Latte, Caramel Pumpkin Swirl and Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow

Buttercream Icing - Enjoy the sweetest flavors of fall with the mouthwatering fragrance of fluffy buttercream frosting on top of a just baked vanilla cupcake (this has to be Frosted Cupcake, I'll be highly be surprised if it isn't)

Brown Sugar Allspice - Fall's sweetness and spice balances perfectly in a blend of sparkling brown sugar crystals and freshly ground allspice (I'm stumped. Brown Sugared Apples? Kitchen Spice? Honey Cinnamon Crumbcake? Sugar & Spice?)

Apple Picking - The fragrance of crisp apples ripe for the picking, morning dew and a hint of autumn spice (I'm assuming this based of the Weekend Apple Picking soap)

Radiant Red Maple - The aroma of crisp red McIntosh apples, smoky woods and a hint of toasted marshmallows bring a feeling of fall into the air (that marshmallow note is throwin me for a loop though...reworking of Summer Bonfire with apple notes instead of orange notes?)

Porchside Pumpkin - Bring in the welcoming scent of a porchside pumpkin blended with cardamom spice and aromatic wood (Maybe Pumpkin Hayride from '13? Though according to an Instrgramer, this smells like pumpkin and cologne)

Returning scents include Sweater Weather, Flannel, Marshmallow Fireside, Autumn and Pumpkin Apple

Fall Color Drive
Golden Cinnamon - Simply break off its golden bark to release the warmth of autumn's finest cinnamon - sticks of cinnamon bark, soothing vanilla and a dash of salted caramel (I thought this might be White Barn NO1 Nutmeg & Spice but a buddy of mine on Instagram said it smelled very similar to Cider Lane/Warm Caramel Cider with a cinnamon-y bakery note)

Toasted Vanilla Caramel Warm up chilly fall days with this blend of toasted vanilla, smoldering woods and golden caramel (that said buddy said that this smelled like Applewood Bonfire with caramel)

Returning scents include Autumn Sky, Beautiful Day (DAFUQ?!!!), and Sweater Weather

I'm more than a little concern that there has been absolutely NO mention of Leaves!!! Hopefully it'll appear during the national release once everything is done testing...fingers crossed!

Anyhoo for further info check out

If you're on Instagram, be sure to check out tinybubblesfloating, iambored24, fallandwintercollection, stephan1emar1e, whitebarncandlefan, carebearhugzz and _fromvictoria for awesome pictures

And as always these are available on Evilbay courtesy of makingsunshinehappen


  1. Yes, it's true pumpkin milkshake is a repackage of vanilla snowflake!!! Pumpkin coconut is very similar to vanilla coconut but with a pumpkin spice note. It's okay if you didn't go nuts on summer scents or don't have vanilla coconut. It's s ok transition scent but we have Autumn so... I don't get pumpkin cupcake from the pancake candle but you know that we have different interpretations on scents. Thanks again, I highly enjoy your blog!!

  2. I will definitely be passing on Pumpkin Coconut and Pumpkin Milkshake...bleghhh

    I think you mean the cheesecake. Yeah someone on Instagram said that the two were similar...although now it seems she's the only making that comparison.

    I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on the other candles :D

  3. Pumpkin coconut??? I can just imaging that product planning meeting: "Well, we got a great deal by purchasing that metric f-ton of coconut fragrance we put in every last darn summer candle, so find a way to work it into the fall collection too or you're all fired!"

    I hope Radiant Red Maple (weird name) is Applewood Bonfire 2.0. I liked that one a lot, even with its "hobo fire down by the tracks" label :D

    1. I have never understand BBW's obsession with coconut! They always seem to sneak it in the fall and winter as best they can. By all accounts, PC smells surprisingly good but I'm not convinced

      I don't think RRM is Applewood Bonfire; from the way people have described it, it sounds new...a Marshmallow Fireside/Summer Bonfire type vibe with apple. Then again most of the people saying this are new to BBW and probably dont remember AB or never even heard of it. Who knows...

  4. It's me again!! Anyway went and picked up Cranberry Pumpkin and legit I get PPW with a tart cranberry note.. I can't be mad tho cuz I picked it up and I really enjoy it.. Don't hate on me!! lol

    1. PPW? Pumpkin Pecan Waffles? Very interesting!!!

      Sometimes the "pumpkiness" comes off very bakery like Blueberry Pumpkin Patch

    2. Yep, right down in the base and it's really nice. It does take the extra sweetness out of the candle.


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