SHOP 'N' GO: June '15 SAS Haul

First of all, let me apologize for being away so long; as I was writing this post, I realized that I hadn't written anything in over a month. Honestly I hadn't had anything to write about til now. At any rate, mea culpa!

So it's the last weekend of SAS and I for one couldn't be happier! This SAS SUCKED!!! It was, in my most humble opinion, the absolute worse SAS in BBW history! The sales were utter crap, no good discounts/bargains. There are (as for as I know), 8 stores in my vicinity and I went to 6... not a SINGLE ONE had any 75% rare gems/hidden treasures nor any scents pre- Spring/Summer. Utter BS!
Nonetheless, I still managed to get some goodies for the sake of stocking.

Behold my collective SAS HAUL!!!

So the very first weekend, my bf and I went to the new White Barn in GSP. I had a feeling that the store wouldn't have any goodies is it's fairly new...and I was right. But since I was there and I decided to take advantage of the $10 3wick sale at the time. I got...

  • Coastal Sun
  • Suntan
  • Renew & Refresh
  • Southern Sweet Tea
  • Bowties & Bourbon
  • Iced Almond Chai (the only "rare" scent the store had and it was there by itself. I don't really like it and I may exchange it)
  • Strawberry Rhubarb Marmalade
  • 1 Perfect Beach Day deep cleansing soap (for my bf for work)
I did 2 transactions and used a 10off40 coupon and a 10off30 survey coupon and after this came to about $50something

The week after there was a flash $9 3wick sale but there werent many candles that I wanted. So this was a desperation online purch. I bought...

  • Cherry Blossom Sangria
  • Home ~ Sweet Caramel Comfort (aka Caramel Apple)
  • Perfect Beach Day deep cleansing soap
For this, I used an online only 20% off coupon

Shortly after that last purchase, I made another online order. I had been waiting patiently for the American Summer wf bulbs go on sale and they finally dropped down to $3.25. I bought...

  • 5 Coastal Suns
  • 1 Beach Grass
  • 1 Nantucket Sails
  • 1 Beach Day 2pack
For this I used a 20% off/free shipping over $25 coupon. Everything but Nantucket Sails is currently plugged in

Lastly, last week on my lunchbreak I went to nearby store to pickup some last minute stuff. I was planning to buy these online at some point but decided to see if the stores had them so I could avoid paying shipping/handling. And thankfully they did. I bought...

  • Summer Bonfire
  • 5 more Coastal Suns
  • Mahogany Teakwood shower gel (for my bf)
  • Eucalyptus Tea aromatherapy shower gel
For this I used 10off30 survey coupon. I shouldve waited a week later cuz all wf bulbs were on sale for $2.50 but eh what can ya do?!

And that ladies and gents, is it! I havent bought anything else and have no intention to. Altogether, this might have cost me a liitle over $100; I'm sure my bank account and my bf are both letting out sighs of relief. While I'm very satisfied with my purchases, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed at not getting any rare finds. It's all good, that's more money I get to spend on the new stuff.

That said, we have some exciting stuff on the horizon. By this time next week, the Poptails and Destination candles will be in stores. Then we have the Cork &Wine candles coming out as a teaser for fall scents in August. And speaking of fall scents, some of the fall collections are currently testing in some stores and they sound...interesting. Bring it on!!!!

Now compare this haul to last year's haul....


  1. One each- Crimson Velvet & Golden Woods Intrigue & Opulence deluxe 3wick jars $5.95 each after coupon. & pairs in all hobnail glass single wicks for about $3 USD as wells a few pairs of the single wicks ombre coloured jars for the same. My best finds.

    Glad I jumped the border to Grand Forks ND for the day.

    Missed you, my dearest. I was thinking, if you want to save on a big candle glut this fall- I could make a Canadian purchase for you & ship it. with exchange you may save an additional 25% over coupons. Our dollar is very poor right now!


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