THIS IS THE BOMB.COM: Peach Cilantro Twist, Nectarine Green Tea, Pomegranate Spritzer

So as y'all already know, my bf and I went to the GSP test store in Paramus and I bought 3 of the still testing Summer Sips candles. With my candle collection still in storage, I 've only had these three lovely wax babies to keep me company. So since I bought these, I've been burning each one off and on. I didn't really feel like writing single review post on each candle so I'm gonna do them all at once. I'll start from least to most favorite

Pomegranate Spritzer
Product: candle
Area used in:  bedroom
Time Period: April -

Description: A fun and fizzy blend of lush pomegranate and juicy guava that adds sparkle ot any and every event

I was super intrigued when I heard about this bad boy as I LOVE pomegranate scents and BBW hasn't really done one in years. So when I saw it the store, I had to get it. My excitement kinda wore off once I started burning it. After a couple of burns, I found myself not liking it as much. In fact, out of the three I've been burning this one the least.

Performance-wise, it burns like a dream. The flames were nice and high, the wicks had plump mushroom tops and the wax melted into a deep and even pool. And the throw has been super strong (one good thing about these candles is the throw is FAN-F****ING-TASTIC, it'll knock you out for sure!) Now let's talk about the scent. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a repackage/repackage with a twist of good ol long gone Pomegranate Lemonade. If it isnt a repackage then its very similar. There is a tart yet kinda artificial pomegranate note with the guava note right behind it making it both sweet and kinda creamy. I also get a lemony effervescence in the background like lemon soda. Now the first time I burned it, I loved it! My bf and I agreed that it smelled more a like rich pomegranate sorbet as opposed to spritzer. Then something happened to the scent. During the next couple of burns, my nose got a hit of something off and pungent. This is gonna sound super strange but just bear with me. I swear I picked up something herbal that smelled like the off oily smelling sage note from the old Snowed In candle. That weird herbal note mixed with fruit made the blend smell like really old off poutpouri. It was really really weird and I was not diggin it at all.

Nectarine Green Tea
Product: candle
Area used in:  bedroom
Time Period: April -

Description: Now and Zen- Take a break with this soothing blend of Japanese green tea and ripe juicy nectarines.

I think this the one candle I was the most excited about! I LOVE the taste and especially the smell of green tea! Moreover BBW hasn't done a green tea since..well..never! Well that's not true, there was White Tea and Pear AGGGGGGGEEEEESSSS ago! Anyhoo, I digress. As soon, as soon as I smelled this in the store, I was in love! 大好きです!!!

Again performance-wise it's a dream. Nice big flames..mushroom tops (which snapped, crackled and popped)...deep and even pool..amazing throw..yada yada yada. Let's get to the real, the scent! A lot of people were concerned if not completely turned off by the green tea note; green tea is definitely an acquired taste or rather in this case smell I'm here to tell you, it's not that bad! The green tea note isn't nearly as bitter and astringent as you'd think. It's definitely sweeter, if not almost artificial smelling. You know how Lipton has lemon tea powder, well for awhile they had artificial green tea powder..that's what it smells an artificial sweetened green tea. I'll take further and say that it kinda reminds  me of Haagen Dazs green tea ice cream..which if you've never had it, get it, it's damn good! Anyhoo, the juicy nectarine note blends soooo well with the green tea note, it perks it up making a little tart, a little citrusy and a little sweet. It's such a relaxing and refreshing spa-like scent; this is a candle you'd want to burn while you're doin yoga, or getting a massage or facial. It's perfect for chillaxin at home on a weekend afternoon. For those of you on the fence about this one, just try it; it's at least worth of sniff!  

Peach Cilantro Twist
Product: candle
Area used in:  bedroom
Time Period: April -

Description: capture all the fun of a backyard bash with this fresh and fruity blend of early summer peach, fresh garden cilantro and a hint of juicy mango.

When I heard about/saw this candle, one word caught my attention...CILANTRO!!! I absolutely LOOOOOVE cilantro; I use it all the time either chopped in Hispanic or Asian food, tossed in salads and muddled in cocktails. And don't even get me started on cilantro in Vietnamese pho! Anyhoo, I was excited to have it blended in a home fragrance. Now when I smelled it in store, I loved it but I wasn't exactly blown away by it...until I started burning it. OMG I was in friggin love!!!!

Performance-wise, I did have one teeny tiny issue. During the first couple of burns, the wax was havin some trouble completely melting away; it did kinda canyon a cople of times. But now it seems to have corrected itself cuz the wax pool is now consistently deep and even.   And throw is from here to friggin Madagascar, absolutely stellar! Now let's a rap a taste about the scent. This HAS to be Mango Cilantro from back in the day or at least a repackage with a twist of it. Now on cold sniff, I got little to no peach action, which truth be told with I was ok with I'm not the biggest fan of peach scents. But the more I burned it, I started picking up more and more peach...and I was really digging it! The mango and peach notes blend soooo well together; both notes are super fresh and juicy and a little tart but still sweet. The cilantro is more muddled as opposed to fresh springs; the cilantro adds a nice zesty, green almost borderline soapy accent to the blend and it's really nice! I think hands down this may be my favorite of three, it's that damn good!

In conclusion, I'm definitely lovin these candles a lot! I would definitely buy more Nectarine Green Tea and Peach Cilantro Twist in the future but for now I'm content with what I have. These candles are perfection in every way - these are perfect examples of what a real BBW candle should be like. They smell FABULOUS, the burn action is AWESOME  , the throws are  AMAZEBALLS, the scent lingers for hours post burn, deep even wax pools, no drowning wicks, the wax doesn't melt down too fast - just PERFECTION. If all of BBW's candles performed like these, they'd have a lot more satisfied customers! BBW would be absolutely INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE not to release wide cuz they are without a doubt the best line of candles they have released in some time!


  1. Honestly, I find myself coming to your blog often just to read up on these kinds of reviews just for fun! lol they're thorough and well composed and straightforward! I cannot wait for this line to launch soon and I hope the Nectarine Green Tea and Peach Cilantro Twist are among them

    1. Awww thank you! I really appreciate that!

      I have a feeling this will be the most successful collection BBW has released in a long time. From what I heard GTN and PCT both made the cut...but you never know, things could change at the last minute

  2. That's great news! Did you hear if PLS and PS have passed? This collection is the best I've seen in a while. BBW has been doing too many repackages and not enough new scents.

    1. Alas I haven't heard anything about those two. I personally think those two aren't gonna make it

  3. I saw these candles in my BBW today and got Nectarine Green Tea and Peach Cilantro Twist.

    I picked these two out because I liked the scent, but I couldnt remember if you had done a review on them and what you had said about the collection as a whole. So...I am standing in the middle of BBW looking up your blog on my phone before I made my final decisions! LOL

    We have the same tastes in candles. I knew if you picked them and liked them, that I probably would too. I was stoked to see that I had picked two of the three that you bought and these two were the best of the three!

    I got 2 Nectarine Green Tea and one Peach Cilantro Twist. Cant wait to burn them.


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