Products: candle Area used in: living room Time Period: end of February - beginning of April Description: Liven up the room with a bubbly blend of sparkling white wine and juicy spring green pears Well this seems to be an ongoing trend with me lately - out of all the candles in a particular collection, only one piques my interest. And this is the one that intrigued the most as it seemed to be moreorless new. As it's only a White Barn exclusive , I decided to look for it on Evilbay. Once again, it was a case of curiosity killing the cat and much to my dismay, it turned out not to be a new scent at all but rather a repackage with a twist. Like aforementioned Sparkling Limeade , had I bought online or in a store, I would've brought it back to get exchanged for something better. Performance wise, it burned like a BOSS! The wicks had the biggest plumpest mushroom tops that I've seen in a really long time. That said, the flames were ridonkulously high. The drawback ...