THIS IS THE BOMB.COM: Peach Cilantro Twist, Nectarine Green Tea, Pomegranate Spritzer

So as y'all already know, my bf and I went to the GSP test store in Paramus and I bought 3 of the still testing Summer Sips candles. With my candle collection still in storage, I 've only had these three lovely wax babies to keep me company. So since I bought these, I've been burning each one off and on. I didn't really feel like writing single review post on each candle so I'm gonna do them all at once. I'll start from least to most favorite Pomegranate Spritzer Product: candle Area used in: bedroom Time Period: April - Description: A fun and fizzy blend of lush pomegranate and juicy guava that adds sparkle ot any and every event I was super intrigued when I heard about this bad boy as I LOVE pomegranate scents and BBW hasn't really done one in years. So when I saw it the store, I had to get it. My excitement kinda wore off once I started burning it. After a couple of burns, I found myself not liking it as much. In fact, out of the three I've ...