NEWNESS UPDATE: The Hawaiian Collection ~ New Latecomers

So normally, I wouldn't really waste any more of your time or mine talking about saying anything more about BBW's ubiquitous Hawaiian collection but I that this was interesting enough to write a post about.

So recently, 2 "new" candles that look like they belong in the Hawaiian collection have been spotted on social media

IG user @t_osu

However very few have seen these two in person and those few could neither describe the scents in detail or confirm if they are repackages

The 2 latecomers are...

Coastal Citrus - Sparkling Bergamot, Sea Salt Crystals, Pink Grapefruit (this could be Coastal Sun aka Citrus Flower which would be fine with me cuz that's my summer jam. It could also be the now forgotten one hit wonder Pomelo Paradise. But knowing BBW's track record of repackaging mildly popular but still underwhelming scents, chances are this is probably a repackage of Capri Citron/Pomelo Citron

Island Chai - Sunwashed Cinnamon, Coconut Milk, Clove Buds & Cardamom (*eyeroll time to rant)

OK soooo, wtf is "Island Chai?" What does that even mean?! Furthermore, wtf does that have to do with friggin HAWAII?!

Chai is an ASIAN  drink, particularly from the subcontinent of INDIA!

Now if this collection had no connection/correlation to Hawaii and the "island" in Island Chai referred to the island of Sri Lanka near India or the island of Madagascar near Africa that has a huge Indian population, that would be one thing. However the collection does indeed have a Hawaiian theme and chai has absolutely NOTHING to do with Hawaiian culture - it's just really stupid. I suppose that "coconut milk" in the notes was supposed tie it all together. 


(Anyway there have been 3 chai scents in the past - the failed and forgotten Himalayan Chai from the Passport collection in 2011/2012, Vanilla Chai from the Artisan collection circa 2014 and the WB exclusive Iced Almond Chai so this could be any one of those but my guess is it isn't. In fact I don't think it's a "chai" scent at all; my theory is that it's probably a repackage of the mildly successful scent from last fall - Spiced Coconut Milk)

No word if these are being released nationwide or when or if these are exclusives

One last thing about this collection.

So you may have seen this random wallflower

Island ReefEucalyptus Waves, Tropical Citrus, Bright Mint Leaf  (there was talk on social media that this was Frozen Lake from last winter. Having finally smelled  it, I can confirm that this is indeed Frozen Lake)

Sooooo a trip to cabin by the lake winter scent has known become a Hawaiian island getaway scent even though the notes are not remotely summery/beachy/tropical

Once again, wtf BBW?! UTER BULL****ERY!!!


  1. I get that chai seems pretty random, but this year was called “Island paradise”, not specifically Hawaii as it has usually been. Hawaii floorsets they had the hula girls and the word Hawaii everywhere. Splitting hairs i know.

  2. So, I was fortunate enough to find Island Chai on sale for less than $30 on Mercari, and guess what it is... SUNTAN. I almost threw it out of the window in disgust! I know we shouldn't always go by notes, but for them to be so far off is just ridiculous to me. I was really hoping that it was Spiced Coconut Milk, but nope, just Suntan.


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