Product: candle & wallflowers
Area used in: main and guest bathroom, guest bedroom
Time Period: December - mid-January

Description: A fragrance that conjures up the moment when glittering icicles and sparkling snow transform the landscape – notes of pine needles, fir balsam and winter woods

Much like Tis the Season, this one is considered to be one of the main quintessential scents for Christmastime by BBW enthusiasts. Winter will always be special to me for it because my bf had these around when we first started dating last winter around New Years….and I hated it! He on the other hand LOVES it! While smelling Winter does brings back nostalgic memories for me, it still makes me gag. I dunno why, but the smell is offputting to me. I acquiesced and used them this year to make my bf happy but just not in the living like last time. Anyway, 

Winter is...interesting. There's such a wide array of notes, some of which are no longer listed in the description. It's really woodsy due to the pine, balsam, and fir..obvi. There’s a very faint hint of cool Peppermint Patty-like mint (I don't think mint is actually in the notes, but I could be wrong). And there's a dash of crisp bay leaves that perks and freshens up the blend. I think the note that makes me dislike Winter is the orange clove (which, unlike in years past, is no longer mentioned in the notes). It's like a spiced candied orange rind which, to me, doesn't mix well with all winter wood notes. If it wasn't for the orange clove, I could possibly really like this scent...but that's just me. 

One of the main gripes that many people have with the candle is that after it awhile,  the wax does change a darker color (as does most of the light colored candles) and the smell becomes a little burnt smelling, like a burning log or woodchips. Also, the past candles tunneled/canyoned like crazy. However this year BBW seemed to have fixed the wick issue because it burns so much better. Throw-wise, the candle and bulbs are pretty strong and definitely fill up a room.

In conclusion, I’m soooo not of a fan of this but many people love it so it’ll always be around. With that said, give it a try next winter!


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