RANT OF THE DAY: Repackages!!!!

As everyone knows, BBW is notorious for repacking scents. Sometimes it's the same scent with a slight tampering of the notes. Sometimes it's the same scent but with a different name. Sometimes BBW will sell very similar scents in different collections at the same. From a marketing standpoint, recycling scents is necessary as it keeps scents in rotation for fans to buy....which would be fine if these were scents that fans really enjoyed. More often than not, this is not the case. Most fans view this logic as unadulterated laziness. BBW releases lines of candles and fans are excited with the prospect of experiencing brand new scents only to discover that they are something that they've already smelled before and probably didn't like in the first place.

2013 in particular was the year of repackages...and fans were not happy. Most BBW enthusiasts, myself included, were both disappointed and angry that BBW continued to get peoples' hopes up for new scents only to be let down. Instead of using their creativity to come up with something fresh and different, so much time and effort was spent trying to, excuse my language, bullshit people!

These three scents in particular are this year's most notorious bullshit offenders....

 image source: Bath & Body Works

Lakeside AKA Verbena Waters

Now Verbena Waters has been a fan favorite for awhile. I got VW last year I think for summertime and I loved it. So when I heard Lakeside was a repackage of this, I wasn't too disappointed. However, I'd be lying if I said that I was hoping for something NEW. Nothing about the VW scent to me says refreshing dip into a lake. I mean, yeah there is an aquatic element to the scent, but it's kinduva stretch to compare it to splashing into a lake. "Like the water after a cannonball"...really BBW?! It's just really disappointing because the other scents in the "Summer Lake" line are pretty much brand new. And here's this candle sporting the same name as the line itself and you're expecting something really exciting only for it to be a repackage of a not so old scent that has nothing to do with what the description is trying to capture.
image source: Bath & Body Works 
Love Mom 2013 Bright Bouquet AKA Paris Daydream/Sparkling Icicles

Oceanside...Paris Daydream...Sparkling Icicles..this scent just refuses to disappear. Like a cold sore, no matter how much you want it to go away, it just keeps reappearing and reappearing. And here it is again only this time it's a Mother Day floral scent. Really BBW, really?! What about this scent makes you think that ANY woman would love it as a gift?! What about this scent says "BRIGHT BOUQUET"?! Did any thought go into this?! I dunno if this is a case of stupidity or laziness or perhaps a bit of the both but the fact remains this is just wrong!  Ok so you don't have the time or resources to come up with a new scent...that's fine. However, if you're going to repackage something, at least repackage something appropriate!!! Perfect candidate..."Flower Shop"!!! BBW released the wallflower bulb recently, why couldn't you release the candle as well?! Look at the notes..freesia, lily, jasmine, roses..sounds like a...BRIGHT BOUQUET to me!!!

image source: Bath & Body Works 
White Barn Summer AKA Eucalyptus Mint and Rain NO 6

OY VEY!!! I just don't know what to think of this. I had a chance to smell this at an outlet store and all I could say was "Really?!"I think BBW felt the sonic boom of BBW fans nationwide facepalming themselves! Yo BBW, were yall sooo desperate to release this candle/bulb that you were forced to repackage a scent from your most unsuccessful line of scents?! Honestly, what about this says " long, sunny summer day", emphasis on the word "sunny"?! This to me this bullshit with a capital B! Once again, is this a case of stupidity, stubbornness, laziness or all of the above? BBW had soooooo many other choices and direction it could've taken....

  •  Wild Citrus Sunflower, yall have the body care, so just make a candle using that scent. In fact, didn't BBW release a straight up Sunflower candle years ago? Bring that back, add some some citrus like grapefruit or bergamot and call it day! Doesn't sunflowers and citrus better evoke a summer at a barn more than eucalyptus, mint and watery flowers?!

  • Orchard Petal perhaps? or Blackberry Grapefruit?

  • Cucumber FRIGGIN Melon...if this scent doesn't scream summer, I don't know what does! Granted this is a fan favorite and people would definitely be upset this was repackaged. However, the scent fits more than Eucalyptus Mint does and then some!

  • Southern Magnolia - I live in New Orleans where magnolias grow all over the place and its the national flower of Louisiana. Needless to say I 'm very familiar with the scent and it definitely reminds me of summertime when it's in full bloom. This was more popular in test stores than the Eucalyptus Mint line so why not release it, even under a different name?! Granted, SM would be a southern take on summertime at the barn, but it's a summertime scent nonetheless.

  • Instead of using Verbena Waters as "Lakeside", why not repackage it as Summer?! Anything is better than Eucalyptus friggin Mint!
I see these three bs repackages  as a cry of help. Does BBW's scent-makin department need new blood? Have they simply grown lazy? Have they lost their passion and creativity over the years? I don't have the answer to any of these questions. But it is evident that something were really needs to be done; BBW need to be shaken up and revitalized cuz if they keep on the track they're currently on, they are going to lose a lot of fans!


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