CANDLE SPOTLIGHT: White Barn No 3 Renew and Refresh

image source: Bath & Body Works
Product: candle & wallflowers
Area used in: living room
Time Period: February

Description: Refresh the scent and ambience of your home with this blend of jasmine, fresh air and a touch of mint.

*repackage of old Aromatherapy Good Life test scent called “Refresh”; possible repackage of "Seashore"

This scent was introduced in the new 2013 line of Spring scents (along with Spring (tiger lilies and apples), Garden Freesia (old lady perfume), Lilac Blossom (fresh lilacs)  and Honeysuckle (actual honeysuckle) In my opinion, it's the least floral and spring-esque scent which was perfect as the weather at the time I burning this was not quite wintery cold but not yet springtime weather either.

R&R is very soothing, calming and relaxing…perhaps a bit too much so. I liked it at first but eventually I got very bored with this  and was ready to move on to something else. To me, this smells almost exactly like Dove’s Exfoliating body wash, which I like and use regularly. I can see why it was an aromatherapy scent back in the day; it does smell like something you'd find in a spa. You get faint hint of jasmine and a lot of fresh air aka “ozone” used in fresh air/rain/ocean scented fragrances. No mint whatsoever! There's something strangely creamy about this scent that I can't quite put my finger on nor is it explained in the description.  Maybe tonka bean or something like that? I dunno...

The candle burned like a dream; nice high flames, even wax pool, etc. I was a little disappointed with the throw; it could've been little stronger. The bulbs were ok. Although the scent kinda faded after awhile, the oil inside lasted a ridiculously long time 

In my humble opinion, the candle is perfect for the transition into spring and great to burn on rainy afternoons. It's also a great scent to use in the bathroom.


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