
Showing posts from 2013

RANT OF THE DAY: 2013 in Retrospect; Top Ten Popular Posts of the Year

First of all, I hope everyone has a happy, festive, SAFE New Years!!!! I wish you all much love, happiness and prosperity in the year to come. I myself am very much looking forward to the upcoming new year and all of the possibilities it will bring Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone who continually reads my lil blog here. I've had a blast writing what I think and it's great that people get such a kick outta what I have to say and have watched my blog progress over time. I started this blog just on whim back in May of this feels like it's been around much longer. I've gone back and looked back at my posts from those early days...definitely not my best work as far as writing is concerned as I was still trying to find my voice back then. And now I have and hunny, you can't get me to shut up! Anyhoo, just for shits and giggles, I compiled a list of 10 posts that got the most page views from back then til now. And here they are from less views to ...

THIS IS THE BOMB.COM: Mint Chocolate

Products: candle Area used in:  main bedroom Time Period: December - New Years (weekends) Description: Indulge in this minty and merry blend of cool peppermint, creamy milk and rich dark chocolate As you all know, I'm not into the candy/sugary/bakery/gourmand candles at all! Moreover, I hate the smell of Mint Chocolate anything. So why did I got this candle you ask? I wanted to get out of my comfort zone a bit. Also I typically get a gourmand candle to burn in the morning/afternoon on the weekends, i.e Espresso Bar , Pumpkin Caramel Latte , Cider Donuts , etc. I wanted something that smelled uniquely Christmas-y. It was either this or Merry Cookie and I decided to go with this...and I'm sooooooooooooo glad I did cuz this candle is AMAZIIIIIIIINNNNNG!!! Mint Chocolate is the only other candle besides Espresso Bar and my beloved Black Pepper Bergamot  that I let burn allll day! First of all the performance on this bad boy was fan-F***IMG-tastic!!!! The wicks sported...


Products: candle and bulbs Area used in:  main bathroom and guest bedroom and bathroom (occasionally in living room) Time Period: December - New Years's eve Description: A season full of fun in the snow is captured in notes of pine needles, clementine and winter woods Missing notes: cedarwood, fir balsam, bay leaf, cinnamon Past post: So I've talked about this candle quite a bit on this blog. I'm sure most of you know the's my bf's favorite winter/Christmastime scent...had it burning when we first started dating...I hated it and after awhile asked him not to burn it anymore...then I started to like now reminds of the good ol days..nostalagia....yada yada yada... Winter is a pretty unique scent and very hard to describe. Like most Slatkin era scents, it's a complex blend of notes that you wouldn't think go together but combination does go together so w...

THIS THE BOMB.COM: Chestnut & Clove

Products: candle and bulb Area used in:  main bedroom Time Period: December - New Years Description: Embrace the cozy feeling of the holidays with a warm blend of dark chestnut, crisp cedar and fresh clove Missing notes: cinnamon and pine Also know as "Winter Cabin" Poor Chestnut&Clove! This scent has been around for years yet no one really talks about it. Compared to the other more popular holiday scents like Tis the Season, Fresh Balsam or Fireside, it gets so overshadowed and overlooked. C&C is like the quiet, nerdy unpopular girl sitting by herself reading book or standing against the wall at a party or dance. Yet there's more to this girl than you think, an inner beauty hiding beneath her quiet unassuming behavior as well as a sophistication than the other popular girls will never achieve. Same with C&C; it's so unappreciated and overlooked which is a shame cuz it's such a sophisticated and unique fragrance. I remember seein it around l...

RANT OF THE DAY: BBW's Lack of Christmas themed candles

So recently I was perusing thru a fairly new candle blog called Candle Corner  and there was a post that really caught my attention. The blogger, Elizabeth, was talking about how BBW doesn't have nearly as many Christmas themed candles compared to its rival, Yankee Candle. I gotta say Elizabeth is on to something. YC does indeed have a shitload of Christmas-y candles. Every thing you can think of about the holidays, there's a candle for it. I mean for chrissakes, there's a candle for every thing that Julie Andrews sings about in "My Favorite Things"! My bf and I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond a couple of weeks ago and we sniffed a lot of the seasonal YC candles there; they have some pretty amazing scents! Compared to those, I gotta say that BBW is severely lacking! This year's winter release (in my humble opinion) was incredibly disappointing...


Hello everyone!!!! I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! And happy Semi Annual Sale shoppin!!!! There's a lot of good deals goin on!!!! By the way, Santa got me a BBW gift card. Needless to say I can't wait to get my shop on! Get ready for some new posts! Anyhoo...everyone, do enjoy this wonderful day. Season's Greetings to you and yours! Happy Holidays!!!! Snow Day

RANT OF THE DAY: Merry Winter Solstice!!!

Image   Well today is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year and the first official day of winter. And next week is the best day of the whole year, Christmas!!!   ļ»æ ļ»æ     I'll be real with you guys. Honestly, winter is my least favorite time of the year because of the weather. Me and cold just don't go together. And believe it or not, New Orleans can get pretty cold during this season. Because of the humidity and moist river air, the wind can get a little chilly; temps are usually in the 60s and 50s but it can get as low as in the 40s and 30s. And on a very few rare occasions, it'll even snow a little bit; that's only happened 3 times in the course of my life. However this season does have things to look forward - Christmas (of course), New Years and then finally Carnival/Mardi Gras (February/March)   Winter also has some of my favorite scents, second only to fall scents. During this...

BLAST FROM THE PAST: Snowed In (Winter 2012)

Products: candle and bulbs Area used in:  living room Time Period: December - New Years Description: Spend the day indoors, away from the cold wind, decorating for the perfect holiday with the inspiring fragrance of fresh juniper, sugared sap and sage *sigh Well let's start from the beginning, shall we? So last year, I spent the holidays overseas visiting my bf's family. So with preparing for the trip and doin last minute Christmas-y type stuff in town before we left, I honestly paid little to no attention to BBW stuff. It wasn't until after New Years during SAS that I learned about most of the new winter scents...which as all you know by that time, BBW has already started phasing out winter scent in their stores. One of the scents I found out about at the last minute was Snowed In. So my bf and I go to our fav store in town to check out the SAS sales. I look around and there were no Snowed In candles (or any winter scents except stank ass Winter Night) but there...

UPDATE & RANT OF THE DAY: Spring 2014 Test Scents

Well ladies and gentlemen, BBW as it at again. It's not even Christmas..nay, it's not even technically winter yet and BBW has released its test scents for the upcoming spring. On the plus side, BBW seems to have gotten its proverbial shit together (this winter's lines of scents was just a random hot mess) as they seem to be releasing well thought out, unique and interesting lines with (seemingly) very few repackages with something for everyone's tastes. My issue is that it is waaaayyyy too early to think about buying and burning spring candles in my opinion. And as usual, after learning what these new scents were, people went apeshit and started foaming at the mouth. And there's a schism between those who are fortunate to live near test stores who can readily get these scents and those (like myself) who live nowhere near one and either hope that Customer Relations can give them the hookup or wait patiently with bated breath to see what will go wide in the upcomi...

RANDOM POST: Tag! You're it! (Christmas Style)

I got tagged by buddy Cia over at her new and improved blog So let's go to it shall we... 1. What do you love the most about Christmas time? I'd have to go putting up the Christmas tree and decorating as well as watching Christmas specials and movies with some eggnog and walking around town seeing everything decorated. 2. Do you celebrate the holiday in style or is Bah-Humbug for you?   I didn't use to before I met my boyfriend. When I was a kid, Christmas time was a big deal with my family. Then one me, my younger brothers and cousin all grew up, Christmas time kinda lost its festiveness. Throughout my 20's, Christmas time just wasn't anything special. e even stopped giving each other presents after awhile. I would hang out with my fam (my mom and grandma always cooks a big meal) during the day and then I would go out to the gay bars that night and have a ...

MAJOR HAULAGE: Winter 2013 Collective Extravaganza

So ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to present my winter haul collective - this is everything that'll be using from now til March. These are all separate hauls from way back in October thru Black Friday So back in October there was a $3 wallflower bulb Deal of the day plus $1 free shipping code 1 Snow Day 4 Sparkling Icicles 1 Sweater Weather (which I thought I was gonna use this winter but decided to save it for next fall) 3 Snowed In (bought in anticipation for the Snowed In candle that I thought would go wide) Sometime in the beginning of November, BBW sent out emails with the mystery discount codes. I got a 20% off code which is pretty much useless online. However my bff gave me her 40% code so I bought some goodies 1 Sparkling Pink Champagne deep cleansing soap Crisp Golden Pear deep cleansing soap Fresh Sparkling Snow deep cleansing soap (my all time favorite soap for winter 4 Cranberry Pear Bellini bulbs 1 Snow Day bulb White Barn No.3 Renew&Refr...

RANT OF THE DAY: Farewell to Fall; Autumn Scent Retrospect

Even though it's still technically autumn, let's face it - it's winter time. It's snowing in most places. Television stations have been playing Christmas commercials since before Thanksgiving and stores have been setting out their Christmas stuff to sell. People by now should have their Christmas trees and decorations up. And BBW has pretty much phased out most of the fall scents (for some reason the Fall's Fresh Picked candles are still in stores and there are a few fall candles left online). Anyhoo, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past fall at BBW and talk about what I 'd like to see next fall. Scents that I wanna try next fall Autumn Day - I normally ignore this scent; I always though this was kinda funky. However this past fall, I sniffed it and..I dunno, it kinda grew on me. It's not as bad as I always thought it was. Cider Lane - Er'ybody and their grandma swears by this scent. People absolutely go nuts for CL. The cold throw ab...

RANT OF THE DAY: Wal-mart's Bootleg Candles

So I heard thru the grapevine that Wal-Mart was releasing a line of seasonal 3wick candles for Christmas. My initial thought was "OH NO THEY DIDN'T!!!" Obviously the makers of these candle bootlegs caught wind of the increasing popularity of BBW's candles and decided to cash in.Then I saw the infamous Youtube vid of a young lady showering these candles with praise and advising viewers to settle  for these as they are cheaper than BBW's candles and just as good. Just as good? Really gurlfriend, really?! Sorry my dear, I don't settle for also-rans! That's like orderin steak and getting a meatloaf instead. I want a damn steak! And that's how I feel about my candles! Anyhoo, fast forward to today. I just happened to be in Wal-Mart (which is right across the street from me) getting some last minute Christmas decoration. Just on a whim, I passed the candle section and wondered if by chance they were there. They were indeed. There they stood  in their g...