CANDLE RETROSPECTIVE: My "Sniff Only" Candle Collection

When I first started getting into BBW candles circa 2012, I burned everything I bought with reckless abandon with little to thought as to whether a scent came back or not. My how things have changed. Within the past 2 years, I've started actively collecting old scents - one hit wonders, failed testers and Slatkin era gems. Some I burn if I know I can easily get another but if I can't, they immediately go into my "sniff only" collection. Chocolate Bacon Cupcake (Fall 2012) Savory farmhouse bacon meets dark cocoa, creamy buttermilk and rich caramel in this uncommonly delicious combination of sweet and salty scents Bought: on Amazon Worth buying: Totally! It's worth getting just for its rarity and exclusivity alone. And it's such a unique scent unlike anything that we've seen from either Slatkin or BBW in general. And it truly smells like a chocolate bacon cupcake! Should BBW bring this back: Absolutely! With all the pumpkin and marsh...