NEWNESS UPDATE: Fall 2017 Candles Part 3 *UPDATED*

I feel like I haven't written on here in soooooooooo long! My schedule has been a little hectic and I've had little to no time to write anything. And to be perfectly honest, things have been so boring with BBW lately that even if I had more time, there's really nothing to talk about...until now

Things have been a little strange with BBW lately. This fall has been one head-scratching facepalm inducing wtf moment after the next and based on what I've seen so far of what's to come, expect things to be even weirder.

Ok so first of all, let's talk WB core candles. Peppered Plum and Cider Lane have indeed gone wide (Spiced Coconut Milk has been rumored to have made random appearances as well The Original); I do not know why BBW/WB insists on having late releases/additions after a certain collection has already made its debut. More candles have been scheduled to be released soon and they make absolutely no sense as none of them are fall scents. The additions are...

Tokyo Petals, Limoncello, Fresh Bamboo, Rosewater & Ivy, Eucalyptus Mint, Cactus Blossom, Watermelon Lemonade and Kiwi Passionfruit

Uuuummm, dafuq?! Couldn't these have waited until SAS or after? Why now?! I don't get it!

Next let's talk about Halloween. Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin (which has a weird added star anise/black licorice note to it), Cinnamon Caramel Swirl and (finally) Vampire Blood have appeared online and should be in WB stores now. More scents have been added (for the time being?) as 1wicks...

  • If you got it, haunt it = Autumn
  • Creep it Real = Flannel
  • Treat yo self = Pumpkin Cupcake
  • Better have my candy = Midnight Blue Citrus (wtf?!)

Also greeting candles apparently are here to stay as there are now fall editions

  • let's stay home = Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow
  • But First Coffee = Paris Cafe
  • You Had Me At Merlot = Black Cherry Merlot
  • Eat, Drink, Be Scary - Bourbon Sea Salt Caramel  
  • HELLO FALL = Leaves (really?!)  

It seems as though the Aromatherapy scents are getting revamped and updated with new looking soaps, bodycare and candles. Of course Lavender Vanilla, Eucalyptus Spearmint, Orange Ginger and Eucalyptus Tea are her to stay but added on are

  • Relax ~ Lavender + Cedarwood ( French Lavender?)
  • Happiness ~ Bergamot + Mandarin
  • Comfort ~ Vanilla + Patchouli

And speaking of aromatherapy, BBW for whatever reason is really pushing scents with "essential oils"; their way of appearing chic and upscale and trying to rival fragrance businesses like Lush. In addition to the revamped Aromatherapy collections, they're releasing another aromatherapy themed collection called "Natural Elements" guessed it, essential oils. These will be in mason jars with screw top lids (totally copying Miss Myers candles) Lavender Vanilla as well as Eucalyptus Mint are in it along with...
  • Currant - Geranium, Orange
  • Almond - Coriander, Juniperus,  Sandalwood
  • Clove - Clove, Ginger, Nutmeg
  • Cardamom & Ginger - Cardamom, Ginger
  • Sweet Fern - Bergamot, Lemon, Nutmeg
  • Lemon - Lemon, Cedarwood, Patchouli

Also in Miss Meyer screw top mason jars is yet another aromatherapy collection with essential oils called "Practical Magic" As I'm sure you can surmise from the name, this collection has a hippy dippy, Wiccan, white witch, Stevie Nicks theme to it with each scent named after a "spell" with painted crystals on the label
  • Happy Dust ~ Citrine - Eucalyptus, Grapefruit, Orange
  • Healing Spell ~ Jade - Clove Leaf, Nutmeg, Black Pepper
  • Clarity Elixir ~ Aquamarine - Spearmint, Mint (Sweet Spearmint?)
  • Peace Potion ~ Purple Amethyst - Orange Peel, Bergamot & Sandalwood (Orage Blosssom & Driftwood?)
  • Love Tonic

And yet another Miss Myers mason jar collection has been seen and this one actually has something to do with fall. Don't get too excited as they're all (of course) repackages. This collection is called "City Streets" collection; it's kinda Destinations-esque and inspired by what appears to be hispter hangouts in the US. They are...

  • Denver = Sweater Weather (so there's gonna be 3 versions of SW in stores at the same time)
  • Boston = Leaves (currently 4 different versions of Leaves including this one)
  • Brooklyn = Bowties & Bourbon (hipsters?)
  • Seattle = Coffee House (aka Paris Cafe)
  • Austin = Autumn
  • Nashville

 Enough random f***ery for you? It is for me


  1. Hey there! Glad to have you back! I hope all is well! Luckily I live by a store that gets in these scents and they give me advanced access to them. I picked up Autumn Apricot--White Barn (which is really apricot and not lame Georgia Peach. But it's still not very intriguing.), The Original--White Barn (which smells EXACTLY like Aramis Cologne), Vampire Blood (a weak, unimpressive strawberry), Tokyo Petal--White Barn (why they brought this awful scent back is beyond me), Cider Lane--White Barn (smells like a tweaked version of Summer Boardwalk with more caramel apple), Peppered Plum--White Barn (which is NOT Bergamot & Pepper, but has that vibe, but with a little hint of plum and I liked this one). Finally, another White Barn candle, Spiced Coconut Milk, is the oddest of the lot. And it is not Pumpkin Coconut. I have not decided whether I like it or hate it yet. It is a raw coconut scent, as if you just cracked a real coconut open, but it also has an earthy aroma to it. This earthy note, I kid you not, smells like the fragrance when you slice fresh, white mushrooms for a salad. I give BBW credit for not thrusting another caramel-ish coconut or suntan coconut scent on us. This one is unique, I'll give it that. When it's burning there is an undercurrent of burning, generic crayons. I keep going back and forth on this one. I also bought that black Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin candle just because I like the jet black wax. I also like the background pattern on the jar, but then they eff it up with all those juvenile cartoon graphics of goblins and cats that look like comics from Bazooka gum. It is a strong version of this scent, but it burns nicely. I don't get the black licorice note some people mention. To me it is just extra heavy on clove oil. Also appearing in the store near me, in the Aromatherapy Collection, is Juniper. This one is just a repackage of Silver Pine Needles and Fir from last year's White Barn Christmas Collection, so I didn't buy it. I also picked up a Harvest Pear which is my favorite thus far--a genuine pear with a buttery crust note as a backdrop.

  2. Does anyone know if The Original will be coming online? It's my favorite just behind the old White Barn Vanilla Sandalwood.

    1. I was told that it is supposed to hit online September 1st.

  3. Awesome! Well then we only need a rerelease of Boathouse Row and we are set!


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