MY LAST POST: End of an Era
Have you ever looked back at something in your life that you were once passionate about and/or obsessed with and over time, you found yourself not feeling the same way anymore? Perhaps sort of going thru the motions with it or just completely over it but not ready to admit it? That's how I feel about B&BW...more to the point, that's how I feel about talking about B&BW as a reviewer. I've mentioned before that I stopped posting regularly on IG. During last year's lockdown, I would pop my head in with a post or a story just to keep in touch a bit and show I was alive...only to see my post not get as much attention as they used to as well as also watching one follower after the next unfollow me. Apparently if you're not churning out daily content, folks can't be bothered with you, regardless of what's going on in your life. At the start of 2020, I had a little over 6000 followers (even that annoyed me as there were accounts who started later than me and...