RANDOM POST OF THE DAY: Bronzeblogger's Fall Scent Wishlist

Well SAS is finally almost over..thank gawd; it's the main reason I haven't written on here lately cuz I just haven't had anything to talk about. We're slowly but surely approaching that time when fall scents start to appear in test stores...which brings me to the main point of this post - past scents that I would love to see this fall. Apple Crumble Last Seen: Summer SAS 2014 online Review It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever why BBW keeps sleeping on this scent. Apple Crumble is both autumntastic and fallgasmic; one whiff well instantly put you in the mood for fall. And there are some of us who aren't on the pumpkin spice bandwagon and prefer to give apple cinnamon more love and AC delivers! You get a nice green Granny Smith apple note (when's the last to you've sniffed that at BBW), just the right amount of spice and a dollop of whipped, creamy vanilla to smooth and mellow things out. Those of you who loved Warm Apple Pie, ohhh this is ...