SHOP 'N' GO: My Fall Haul

With the advent of more regular sales, I was finally able to get my haul on and stock up for the upcoming fall season. That said, BEHOLD!! So the first thing fall-wise that I got were a couple of wf bulbs during the 3.50 sale around the beginning of the month. I got... 4 Leaves 3 Harvest Gatherings Then a couple of weeks later there was a sale for 5 hand soaps for $18. I got... 2 Fall Lakeside Breezes (one for my bf to take to work) 1 Crisp Morning Air (my most favorite fall soap ever) 1 Black Cherry Merlot Then FINALLY there was a 2/24 and there was much rejoicing throughout the land! Immediately after I got that wonderful email heralding the news, I went online to order some online only goodies. I ordered... 1 Eucalyptus Tea 1 Orange Ginger (for my bf's birthday; it's a surprise, so shhh!) A couple of hours later, my bf and I schlepped over to GSP/WB . I made two transactions - One was an exchange... 1 Fresh for 1 Pumpkin Pie 1 B...