RANT OF THE DAY : Double Releases

So BBW has a strange habit of releasing two different versions of the same candle at the same time in different collection...for no reason! Sometimes it's a popular scent, sometimes it's a not so popular scent. Sometimes one candle performs better than the other or they're both equally as disappointing. More often than not, one candle might look and burn better but the throw winds up being much weaker. What's the point of this craziness?! I guess I kinda get the method to their madness from a marketing strategy standpoint; basically it's a contest to see which one customers will gravitate to. However, shouldn't that sort of thing be happening in test stores first? Shouldn't there have a discussion of preference before these candles are released nationwide? It makes absolutely no sense!

Why were there two "Leaves"? Why I ask you, why? It makes no sense. Some said the "white wax" version burned better but the scent was lighter while others said the "brown wax" burned bad but the scent was stronger. However all agreed that it was the same scent with no added notes or reformulations.  There was no need to have two of these at the same time! Personally, I like the label of the of white wax version but I like the look of the brown wax. Had it been my call, I would've kept Leaves in the White Barn collection and kept the wicks but added a brown/tan tint to the wax.
Once again, why? Why are there two these?! While I like the slate blue of color of the Slatkin version and the snowman on the label is cute, but what does that have to with the twisted peppermint/candy cane  scent that it's so supposed to be mimicking? The BBW version should've been the only one released, period!
What's the point of this? Did we really need two of this? Is PM even really worthy of being a core scent? Couldn't this have just been in the Fresh Picked line and then let it disappear?
 This actually pissed me off! If ALL things BBW could've picked to be in Fresh Picked line, they picked this?! After they already released this scent for the spring?! And they're both hot messes!!! Both have no throw and tunnel like crazy!

 Really BBW, REALLY?! You re-release a candle that nobody likes! Honestly, I like the label of the old version better, not that I would buy it. Once yall released the new and improved version, why did yall keep the old one?

The worst offender by far!!! There was absolutely NO reason for MT to be released in the Lakeside Summer collection...none! MT was originally supposed to be a "fall" scent and now magically it's a "summer" scent evoking being on the deck of a boat. Really BBW, REALLY?! This is bullshit with a capital B! And besides, isn't MT is supposed to a core scent now? What's the point of releasing this in a new line only to discontinue it in order to release the core version? Moreover you're still selling the original one despite it being one of the worst burning candles EVER! What BB needs to do is get rid of the hot mess version and totally revamp it. Get rid of the white wax and the label cuz the're both boring as hell! Keep the same colored wax and wicks from the Lakeside version, create a new label and release it with Black Pepper Bergamot as core scents!
Seriously BBW, GET IT TOGEHER!!!

 all image source: Bath & Body Works


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