THIS IS THE BOMB.COM: Leaves (We Love Fall 2014 vers.)

Products: candle
Area used in:  living room and wallflowers
Time Period: mid-September - end of October

Description: Jump into a pile of leaves! Celebrate the brilliant colors if autumn with this rich blend of golden nectar, red apple and spiced berries

As most of y'all already know, Leaves is by far my all time FAVORITE scent for fall - a definite must have, fall in a jar, one of many things to look forward to in this season!

I'm not gonna go into too much detail about the scent cuz EVERYBODY should know what Leaves smells like. Plus I already did an in-depth review on this scent last year. So I'm just gonna talk about the performance.

It performed like dream, as usual - thick mushroom tops, high flames, deep pool, nice throw, yada yada yada. My only complaint as that this candle, more than any candle I've gotten and burned recently, burned down ridiculously quick. Now I know B&BW has shortened the burn time for whatever asinine reason, but goddamn! Now in my living room I usually burn a candle for about 2 hours, maybe 3. Moreover, sometimes I'll burn the same candle everyday or depending on my schedule or how late my bf gets home from work, I might skip a night. Over the course of 2 weeks, this Leaves candle was halfway done! That's beyond ridiculous! Ordinarily, by 2 weeks with you just burning it for 2-3 hours, you wouldn't be anywhere halfway done. And I don't remember post-shortened burn time candles burning down this quickly! Anyway, the candle in the pic above is done and I'm about to burn my second Leaves. At this rate, it'll be done by Halloween when I plan on changing to my second round of autumn scents.

So for all of you Leaves lovers, be forewarned that your Leaves candle might burn to down really fast. But if like you're like me and you want to relish in all the Leaves goodness, I suggest getting one from last year or anytime before from Amazon or Evilbay so you can burn with reckless abandon. 


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