NEWNESS UPDATE: Pumpkin Preview?!

Well I was planning on making a trip to BBW today for the infamous Pumpkin Preview. Even though I'm not a fan of pumpkin scents at all and there really was only one candle that I was thinking about buying (Pumpkin Carving), I still thought that preview was worth checkin out. However something struck me as odd....I hadn't heard a single word from anybody about the preview taking place. No official word on the BBW website and nothing in their myriad of emails. Nothing from the other bloggers, Youtubers, and Facebookers. I had a feeling that the preview was a no go. Just as I was about to call one of the stores, I happened to glance at Kelley's blog on my phone and posted that she called her store and was told that the Pumpkin Preview was cancelled.


But it seems there is a glimmer of hope. It seems that later the SA that Kelley spoke with earlier got the official word to lay out the fall floorset as the Pumpkin Preview will go on as scheduled!


See for yourself....

I was actually kinda worried that BBW got pissed that soooooo many people already knew about and were buying the Pumpkin line candles from test stores that they figured "what's the point?"

With that said, if you are remotely interested in the Pumpkin Preview, call your store and find out if it's actually going on your area. If not, you can always buy your pumpkin candles online or from a test store and just wait patiently for the full release later this month.

If the Pumpkin Preview is goin on in my neck of the woods, I'm probably gonna either tomorrow or Wednesday just to check it out!


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