NEWNESS UPDATE: Late Spring 2018 Test Scents *UPDATED*

So apparently BBW got the memo; for the first time since maybe 2014, we're actually getting some spring scents. Pictures of the latest round of spring scents have popped on social media; on the one hand, it's a godsend for those of who are seasonal burners and just arent ready for the onslaught of pineapple-mango-coconut summeriness...buut, on the on the other, this latest selection of spring scents aren't very exciting with only a few seeming somewhat interesting.

So the first collection has wrap around labels with painted flowers, birds and bugs

Honeysuckle & Freesia - Garden Honeysuckle, Sugared Citrus Zest, Freesia Petals (no word if this same Honeysuckle/Honeysuckle Bouquet we always see)

Golden Jasmine - Jasmine Blossoms, Sweet Amber, Pomelo Grapefruit (last spring's White Jasmine candle?)

Returning scents including Watermelon Lemonade and French Lavender

The second part of this collection has a mix of floral wallpaper-esque and pastel paint swiped wraparound labels

Casablanca Lily - White Casablanca Lily, Soft Sea Air, Sheer Hyacinth Blooms (So in 2014, there was a failed test scent called Lily of the Valley which essentially smelled like a watered down Lilac Blossom; I wonder if this is that?)

Pistachio Ice Cream -Roasted Pistachio, Frozen Almond Cream, Lush Vanilla Cream (word on the street is that this smells extremely similar to Almond/Creamy Nutmeg) 

Returning scents include Peach Bellini and Eucalyptus Rain

Thought BBW was done with quotes candles? Think again! Not only are we getting quotes, but the quotes are filled with flowers

BEST MOM EVER = Fresh Cut Lilacs
MOM, YOU'RE AMAZING = Endless Weekend
I LOVE YOU = Georgia Peach

If you don't see these in your stores now, these will be out in at least 2 week for the next flooorset

A lot more interesting things are heading our way soon

There's gonna be "summer" version of the Camp Winter collection called the "Camp Trailside (?)". The pictures on the labels invoke camping in the woods, forest trails and mountain roads....but the scents are oddly beachy/tropical. So far the only scents to make any appearances lately are Endless Weekend, Cactus BlossomPink Apple Punch, Lakeside Sunrise (AKA Bergamot Waters). Bizarre AF right?! It gets more random; apparently MaBLAHgonay Stankwood and Fresh Ballsack...Balsam are gonna be added

If BBW was smart (which they're not), they would bring back the Lakeside Collection   or the Desert Collection

There's gonna be additions to the WB core collection; so far, I've only seen Champagne Toast

And according to Lifeinsidethepage, we're gonna see the following wf bulbs


  1. Where are Coconut Leaves and Tobacco Flower?! Granted my main concern is Tobacco Flower. It better be coming back, or I'll be on Ebay hunting it down!

    1. So spring stuff are already out or will be out soon and summer stuff has already tested. And SAS is right around the corner. You haven't seen any of your favorites already, you're not going to

      Rule of thumb, if you have a favorite scent, especially one that's new, ALWAYS STOCK UP! There is NO guarantee that it's gonna return

    2. I stocked up on Tobacco Flower, if it doesn't return let me know if you'd want to do a trade or purchase one so you don't get ripped off on Ebay. :)


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