CANDLE RETROSPECTIVE: Pumpkin Carving vs Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin

With autumn pretty much drawing to a close, I wanted to take an opportunity to talk about a very undervalued autumn scent - Pumpkin Carving.

Now as y'all already know, due to a past encounter with Shit Cinnamon Poopkin, I developed a strong and intense pumpkin scent phobia which I've only just recently gotten over. Despite hearing from other fellow candle connoisseurs of how superior Pumpkin Carving was to SCP, I just couldnt get down with PC. I tried experimenting with a PC wf bulb and though I enjoyed the scent, I just couldn't commit to a candle. Finally this fall I took the plunge and I bought/burned a 3wick; I could kick myself for ignoring for so long.

Now I do believe PC predates SCP (someone correct me if I'm wrong). It first came on the scene in the mid 2000 as "The Perfect Autumn Pumpkin" - very fitting name. The name was eventually changed to "Pumpkin Patch". Then in fall '12 it appeared (4oz only) as " Pumpkin Carving" and was released in a free gift with purchase deal. It was fully released in various forms the following year.

In fall 2014, we saw Heirloom Pumpkin which had the same notes as PC (it also appeared randomly online this fall). Call me and my nose crazy but Heirloom Pumpkin smelled different to me. It was super heavy on the nutmeg; PC was blended better I think.

I've never fully understood BBW's obsession with SCP and why they continue to push it despite knowing that PC was/is a legitimately better and superior pumpkin scent? Why do folks *cough cough basic bitches clamor over SCP?

To me, PC is like watching an old Shirley Temple movie - sweet, wholesome and unassuming. Whereas SCP is like watching Honey Boo Boo - common, annoying, offensive and lacking in depth, tact and class.

BBW, do yourself a favor and retire SCP! No one likes the body care nor the candle! Stop playing it safe and hiding behind its presumed popularity. If you were to retire SCP and instead pushed PC (and her sexy lumbersexual brother Porchside Pumpkin), I promise you that not a single soul will miss it.


  1. Lmao .. Honey boo boo!! Yes, retire and bury that shit in an unmarked grave! Loved how you threw in porchside pumpkin btw!

  2. OMG your descriptions and analogies are truly amazing and on point. So loved the Shirley Temple vs Honey Boo Boo !! Just a classic. You should copyright this.



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