NEW IDEA OF THE DAY: Winter 2015 Scents (and What I'd replace them with)

Call me a Negative Nancy, but I am by and large unimpressed and underwhelmed with the holidays scents. It just seems very helter-skelter this year with more thought and effort put on the look of the candles and not the scents themselves.  Here's how I would've done all the collections

Ok let's start with these...

Cozy Cabin - why replace an original and new scent that people liked with a significantly weaker version of it?!

Fresh Sparkling Snow - FSS is very out of place in this collection; why have this fruity and summery mess with more outdoorsy winter scents?
REPLACEMENT: - Snowed In - now this smelled more like like fresh sparkling snow! Just fix that weird oily sage and it would be a hit

Mahogany Teakwood - MT is NOT a winter scent! I repeat, MT IS NOT A WINTER SCENT!
REPLACEMENT:  Chestnut & Clove - ok so we already had this for Thanksgiving, who cares?! Its an amazing elegant sophisticated rustic scent and it belongs with the winter scents

Salted Caramel - Granted this isn't the same gloopy ooey gooey mess that we see year after year but is it possible to have one season without ANY caramel scents?!
REPLACEMENT: Peppermint Mocha - why not have a hot winter beverage that people actually drink

Vanilla Snowflake - UGH, I'm so sick and tired of mayonaissey mess! We already saw this mess in the fall and now it's back for winter
REPLACEMENT: Snow Day/Snow & Slopes - we only had one winter season of both of these similar scents, why not bring either of these back for people to enjoy?

Winter Sun - I get where BBW was trying to go with this scent but it just kinda misses the mark
REPLACEMENT: Sparkling Icicles - SI did not belong in the Celebrations collection, very out of place. Seeing as though you actually see "sparkling icicles" outside, it belongs in this collection instead with its outdoors theme

Holiday - this scent is absolutely repulsive, I do not why they feel need to bring this back every year
REPLACEMENT:Winter Wonderland - this was a really weird scent but it's far more Christmasy than friggin Holiday

Alpine Cheer - don't get me wrong, this is a decent scent but it just isn't anything special
REPLACEMENT: Winter Garland - come the hell on BBW! Peopel have been clamoring over and begging for this candle since friggin 2011; GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!!!

Winter, Fresh Balsam and Frosted Cranberry can stay

Next the Holiday Traditions candles

Jingle All the Way - JATW is just wrong PERIOD end of story!
REPLACEMENT: Fresh Sparkling Snow - this scent didn't belong in that other collection at all. Its a silly scent and should be in this collection with the cartoon animals on the label

Sparkling Sugar Plum - why create a subpar "sugarplum" scent when you already had a popular "sugarplum" already in your arsenal of past scents?!
REPLACEMENT: Candied Sugar Plum - DUH!

Sweater Weather - SW is NOT  a winter scent! I repeat..SW IS NOT A WINTER SCENT!!!
REPLACEMENT: Pinecone/Autumn Snow - This poor scent has failed twice, give people a chance to finally try it. All it needs is a new fun name!

Marshmallow Fireside - I honest do not understand the appeal of this scent. A fall scent, sure but a winter scent it is not! And who the **** roasts marshmallows in winter?!
REPLACEMENT: Vanilla Spice - this was a gorgeous scent that completely fall off the face of the planet. Its a very lovely and elegant marshmallow like scent that needs to be given new life.

Vanilla Bean Noel -VBN needs to retire, like NOW!
REPLACEMENT: Winter Latte/Creamy Nutmeg - This is a far more sophisticated winter scent than VBN can ever be

Winter Candy Apple - OK, real talk...does anybody actually really like or has ever liked WAC?! And what the hell is a"winter candy apple" anyway? Who eats candy apples in winter?! Keep this shit as body care for the teenyboppers and stop making candles of it!
REPLACEMENT: Holiday Gumdrop - a sugary sweet spicy fruity scent that's inspired by any ACTUAL winter confection that people ACTUALLY eat!

Evergreen, Tis the Season, Twisted Peppermint and Dashing thru the Snow can stay! And NO Mahogany Balsam!

Now the White Barn collection

Noel - this scent is ok but it just smells a little strange, a little too plasticy for my liking
REPLACEMENT: Sleigh Ride - this is a very lovely antiquey old fashioned Old World Christmas tree scent. It was only around for one winter season back in '11, time to bring it back

Welcome - Why the HELL would you change this to Mahogany Balsam, especially since it already is in another collection?! It's not that good of a scent!
REPLACEMENT: Cinnamon Pinecone - y'all should've just left this alone

Joy - if this was the original Slatkin Marshmallow Peppermint from back in the day, that would be one thing. But instead you used this strange chocolately vanilla frosting mess instead. It smells nice but the name is misleading
REPLACEMENT: Mint Chocolate - y'all might as well have just used this. Besides it's a fair assessment to say that chocolate gives people more joy than marshmallows

Wish - I don't understand BBW's obsession with Cinnamon & Clove Buds
REPLACEMENT: Spice - The original Spice candle was a far more superior scent over C&B

Celebrate, Comfort and Peace can stay

Finally Celebration candles...

Cinnamon Caramel Swirl - I am sick and damn tired of this f***in scent! What does it have to do with anything?! Just mass appeal!
REPLACEMENT: Eggnog Cheer - Hello! A hot beverage that people actually drink at a party! Plus this scent scent hasn't been seen since 2011 and even then it was a failed scent. 2 years of CCS/PCS is enough!

Cranberry Sugar Cookie - This was only repackaged due to the seeming popularity of Cranberry Pumpkin and what the hell is a cranberry sugar cookie and what does it have to do with the holidays?!
REPLACEMENT: Pumpkin Gingerbread - this was a awesome scent (so much better than the original Frosted Gingerbread) and it's actually a treat you would see a holiday themed party!

Golden Peach Sparkle - Really BBW? Market Peach? Really? What New Years party have y'all been to wear people sit around eating peaches?!
REPLACEMENT: Peach Bellini - I'm not particularly very fond very of this scent but it at least makes more damn sense than friggin Market Peach!

Snowflakes and Spruce - Ugh, just ugh!
REPLACEMENT: White Winter Petals - This was a decent scent, it just had a very basic and generic name. Just call it "Winter Poinsettia" cuz that's what it reminded me of. Yknow, an actual holiday decoration at a party 

Pomegranate Prosecco Punch - Ok real talk, what was the point of this scent?! Why throw out Cranberry Pear Bellini and replace it with a candle that sounds like and is similar to CPB?!
REPLACEMENT: Cranberry Pear Bellini - UMMM HELLO?! Winter staple since 2011!

Sparkling Icicles - Sparkling Icicles doesn't fit in this collection at all, totally misplaced!
REPLACEMENT: Merry Mistletoe - another winter staple since 2011. And seeing as though it was ridonkulously popular last year in the same New Years collection, it makes no sense for it not to return. And hello, mistletoe is a holiday decoration at parties!

Spiced Apple Toddy - Why does this Leaves knockoff return year after year after year?!! And does anyone really drink apple toddies after November?!
Holiday Pomander - this scent hasn't been seen since 2010 or 11 and I dunno why cuz it's amazing scent! It really does smell like mulled wine...much more than Wine Cellar!

Party Dress - Nothing about this scent says winter or the holidays or New Years party!
REPLACEMENT: Sensual Amber - much like Black Tie smells like a mature gentleman's cologne, SA smells like a mature madame's perfume. And the notes for Black Tie and Sensual Amber compliment each other, like a couple!( or Twinkling Night or Crimson Velvet)

Black Tie and Champagne Toast can stay


  1. Yes, Yes, Yes, yes... To all of it!! I feel like I'm watching WWE!!

  2. Lol u are to much! I am dying reading all of your commentary!

  3. I love reading your blog to get ideas on B&BW's latest candles. Not only are they blatantly honest, but also witty and just plain funny as hell....I am in pain from laughing so hard every time I read what you have to say and what you feel about B&BW's candles. You sum it up perfectly with sarcasm and honesty that I love. I love their candles but I've been cutting back lately. Just not cutting it much for me lately, lol....keep up the hilarious work!

    1. Thank you so much!!! Reading this truly made my day, I really appreciate all the kind words! :D

  4. Great information provided. I appreciate your work. I like the way you write. Awesome, keep it up.

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  5. You're so on point always. I was pissed off when I went to B&BW and saw their holiday selection of candles. They all pretty much suck. Snowflakes and Spruce is vile. Pomegranate Prosecco Punch is nasty and I don't know why it replaced Cranberry Pear Bellini. The absence of Merry Mistletoe is a disgrace. I could go on and on too, but you got it covered for me. I feel more sane after reading this. Thank you!

    1. Thank you very much! Im glad Im not the only incredibly disappointed this holiday's collections

  6. No chocolate, no choc mint, no gingerbread, this christmas candle selection stinks. Joy is the only one I like and the burn is totally crappy- so what is the deal?????


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