RANT OF THE DAY: Facebook Candle Scandal

So as you all know, there has been a price increase at BBW. 3wicks have gone up to 22.50 and the 2 for 22 sale that we luv so much changed to 2 for 25...and people were not havin it!!! On Facebook, folks lost their shit about this, thus starting...

CANDLE-GATE '14!!! *cue dramatic news report music

In every BBW group or fanpage, people were complaining left and right. It got so bad on the official BBW Facebook page that they took the comment section away.

Personally I think everybody has a right to be upset and complain but there are some who don't really feel that way. There are some with the attitude that BBW can do what they want as a business, their price increase is justifiable and customer should a)stop complaining cuz it won't do any good and/or b)stop buying their products completely.

I can't say I agree with any of that logic!

So for your viewing pleasure, here are personal rants that I posted on Facebook in response to what has been going on lately.

Sooo 2 for 25 started today...I can't say that I'm really excited. In fact, I'm very pissed at the price increase even though I knew it was inevitable. The fact that despite the unpredictable burns and lack of truly new and unrepackaged scents BBW is still upping the price makes them look incredibly greedy! Moreover I'm a little annoyed that there aren't new spring scents online...just the same stuff we saw during SAS, some of which are back full price. Really BBW?!!!
Here's my last and final rant about the 2/$25 fiasco. I believe the real reason people are pissed is because the price increase doesn't match the quality. The burns are iffy and unpredictable, throws are light, scents that were super strong are now weaker by comparison and were getting too many lazy repackaged scents. And in my opinion, BBW is being greedy. Since their candles have become so popul...ar in the last 2-3 years, they think can continue to up the price and no one will bat an eye, extra profit. WRONG! Theyre gonna lose profit. People (myself included) will be buying much less from now on. Moreover they're gonna push people right into the arms of their competitors; Kringle, Village, Gold Canyon and even Yankee are gonna blow up! So in conclusion, for everyone who is annoyed, frustrated and pissed off, you have every right to be!
Okay, I promise this is my final FINAL rant! EVERYONE has a right to feel slighted, annoyed, frustrated and pissed off about the current situation and have every right to complain regardless of the impact or lack thereof. No one is denying that candles are luxury items and there are bigger issues in the world to be upset about however to use this as a reason for people to shut up is patronizing an...d condescending. We're all (for the most part) are adults and don't need to be chastized. Nor do we all have to agree each other's opinions. I've stated my opinion on the matter and whether it's right or wrong, it is still my opinion. If you want to complain, raise your voice and speak out! If you feel aggravated about the matter, you have every right to be regardless of what others think! And if you decide to go on a BBW ban, branch out to other brands or simply buy less, that is your business!

Lastly I want to say (yet again) I don't think people are upset about money per se but rather the principle of the matter. Its not so much that people are just being cheap but rather they feel they're being bullshitted against. Will complaining or not buying products change anything? Who knows! We'll simply have to wait and see.

*drops mike
I had quite a few folks agree with me
Anyhoo, you can go on Facebook and see what I and others had to say
https://www.facebook.com/realtalkbbw (my page, GO AND LIKE IT!)


  1. I actually agree. The quality in their products has not increased to warrant a price increase. I'm talking about the body products too! I remember when they were $8.

    1. Exactly!

      I think people would be less pissed off if BBW offered products that were truly top quality and above standard but sadly that's not the case


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