WALK 'N' SNIFF: Beachhouse Collection

So the bf and I went to the mall and we stopped off at BBW/WB to take advantage of the handsoap and wf refills sales. I looked around and didn't see anything interesting. We had already made our purchases and were leaving out of the store when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a display of the Beachhouse candles.

I was debating whether or not I was even going to write a WALK N SNFF review for this collection as it is all kinds of underwhelming - once again style over substance. However I figured somebody out there might be interested and so, here we are...

I'm gonna skip White Gardenia, Copper Coconut and Pineapple Mango cuz everybody knows what those smell like. I am briefly going to talk about Beach Sage & Mint for a minute as it may be new to a few of you.

So Beach Sage and Mint made its debut in the ill-fated "Coast to Coast" collection; the whole collection failed but it appeared in a few stores randomly during SAS.

Right of the bat,  it is NOT Wild Sage & Aloe at all; not even remotely similar. As far as I know, BS&M was/is a new scent. It's a complex blend with a lot going on. You do get sage..although it's debatable whether or not it's "beach sage" (it's actually a thing); it adds a rich kinda dirty and earthy feel. And there is mint, closer to spearmint that sorta cools down the blend and adds a nice refreshing coolness. There's some sharp citrusy bergamot which does gives the blend a cologney vibe as it often does in BBW candles. There's definitely some notes that BBW isn't telling us. There's a BBW-ian ocean air/seawater lurking in the blend which I assume is cucumber/melon. There's also some hidden and unmentioned herbal notes sneaking about - maybe some lavender and/or perhaps a bit of thyme. The notea re kinda random but they work and blend together harmoniously. BS&M is a hard scent to label - it's beachy but not in a conventional and cliche way. Some would call it fresh, some would call it aromatherapy, some would call it cologney. What I like about it is that it's so unique and totally different from BBW's other summmer/beach scents. And it paints a picture - it always makes me think of beachhouses on the shore and walking amongst the sanddunes and beach grass with the waves crashing and the scent of salt of the ocean breeze. This is one of my summer jams, if not one of my all time favs in general. I highly reccommend at least giving it a sniff.

And now on to the "new" scents

Beachscape (9093M8S1F) -  so, this scent does not live up to its name. One the hand, small round of applause for BBW not giving us yet another basic coconut scent or something suntan lotion-y. However, the scent itself is kinda blah; the name is more exciting than the scent! And on top, I think this is a repackage..which, I'm for if the repackage makes sense. And sometimes a past scent or failed test scent needs a little remarketing. Unfortunately, this isn't the case; it's a scent that was unremarkable and unforgettable and remains so even with a new name. The scent I think it is Beach Blossoms from the WB core collection back in 2017. Look at the notes...

Beach Blossoms - Ocean Lotus, Soft Beach Air, Warm Musk
Beachscape - Sea Breeze, Warm Cotton, Sweet Lotus Flower 

Basically, Beachscape a nondescript, guest-friendly fresh/clean fabric softener scent; it's in the same fresh air/fresh towels family as Sea Island Cotton, Beach Cabana, Sea Salt & Linen etc. You get a definite soft and powdery cotton note. There is a bit of airy ozone as well as hint of sea salt. There are some dewy floral notes but I'm hardpressed to say with any accuracy that it's "lotus". There's really not much to say about it - it's fresh, it's clean, it's light, it's guest-friendly, it's boring. Of all the scents they could've brought back (* cough cough SEASIDE ESCAPE), I dunno why they went with Beach Blossoms but whatevs.

Coastal Watermelon (9091AGA1) - first of all, what the hell is a "coastal watermelon"?! Pretty sure it's a not a thing. Couldn't just call it Watermelon & Sea Salt? Anyway, I was hoping this would be new or at least a repackage of Summer Melon from backintheday but nope. Unfortunately it smells exactly like you think it does.... BLAH-TERMELON LEMONADE. It's Watermelon Lemonade without the lemonade and a pinch of salt. That's it. I have to say that I do prefer this over Blahtermelon Lemonade but still; very lazy BBW, you can do better. 


  1. Thank you for doing this walk n'sniff. Helps me to not get bamboozled by repackages (though as you said, some repackages are worth it). I also love your scent descriptions in general. Looking forward to trying BS&M!


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