SHOP 'N' GO: Spring 2014 Haul/Test Scent Extravaganza

So for the past couple weeks I've been some sporadic ordering of various Spring scents. I've been holdin out on doin a post about em as I was waiting patiently for various packages to arrive. But now finally, I hav all of them in my hands *maniacal laughter
And now without further ado, ladies and gentlemen I would like to present....

So the first three candles I bought online on the very first day of the 2/$25 sale. I had a code for 20% off + free shipping for $25. I bought...

  • Cinnamon Sugared Doughnuts - OMG, THIS SMELLS SOOOOOOO FRIGGIN GOOD!!! It's smells like an actual doughnut fresh out of the grease and rolled around in cinnamon sugar. It's so spot on that it's ridiculous. So far it's one of two candles that I have burned so far...and it's burns like a friggin champ! The throw could be several notches stronger though. Now, for some reason the 3wick has disappeared online and someone mentioned it on Facebook and BBW basically denied ever having one....WTF?!! They need to bring this bitch back now!

The next four I bought via Customers Relations; it was my first order/purchase with them so I was a little nervous. However the sales associate that I spoke with could not be nicer (it was this sweet Texan lady). I ordered them on a Wednesday afternoon nad I got em all Friday morning. I got...

  • Mad About Madrid - I had my eye on this "mandle" for awhile and was so disaapointed that it didn't go wide. As y'all know I love my cologne-y scents and this one is very cologne-y. However the scent was a little unexpected - it smells like a mix of Villa Bergamot/Bergamot Woods and Black Pepper Bergamot..despite not having bergamot anywhere in the far as we know. I still like it though.

  • Fleur de Provence - when I heard that BBW had a candle with two of my favorite scents, lavender and verbena, I was all over it and had to get it. Now on first sniff, to me it kinda smelled like Fruity Pebbles but after smelling it again, I could get the lavender and verbena notes. And there's a strange unlisted but pleasant lime note chillin in the background. Again, like Mad about Madrid, I was very disappointed that it didn't go wide; this honestly could've replaced Paris Nightmare....I mean Paris Daydream

  • Lemon Cucumber - I knew as soon as I heard about this scent that it wouldn't go wide; the swwety/candy/bakery lovers would have nothing to do with it and it was far too much of an out there scent by play-it-safe BBW's standards. With that said, I knew I had to get on the good foot and grab this one while I still could. Plus I LOVE cucumber scnets! This smells like a straightup legit true to form fresh unpeeled cucumber. The lemon note, much like Fleur de Provence, reminds me of Fruity Pebbles. But once you get past that, the lemon note is very zesty and refreshing

  • Pink Petal Tea Cake - now I know what some of y'all out there are thinkin...Bronzeblogger, you don't like bakery scents and you hate floral scents...why the **** did you get this candle?! Honestly, I was super intrigued..first of all, it's all new unrepackaged scent and it's a scent combo that I don't think BBW has ever done before. With all that said, my curiosity caused me to go out of my safety zone. Now you would think considering the name and notes, that this would smell super floral. I thought for sure this would be a mix of Frosted Cupcake with Garden Freesia or Flower Shop, super sweet and super powdery. Sweet, yes. Powdery and floral, no. The "rose" note smells more like sweet rosewater syrup. And I get strawberry..and not like a fresh strawberry but super sweet super red cut strawberries on top of a shortcake with that red glaze. In fact that's what this smells like - a strawberry shortcake with whipped cream and sweet strawberries with a pink sweet rosewater glaze. Will this go wide? That remains to be seen. On the one hand, bakery lovers will probably nuts over a scent like this. On the other hand, it may be too much of an experimental and out there scent.

The last two were separate bids/purchases on Evil-bay. I originally planned on getting these two scents thru Customer Relations but they didn't have these in their warehouse. So in an act of utter desperation, I went on Evil-bay to see they had them ther and they did..and here they are...

  • Sugarberry Spritzer - much like Pink Petal Tea, I was super intrigued. Again, it was an all new unrepackaged scent. Moreover it had notes that I don't believe BBW has ever used before. I was mostly intrigued with the elderflower note...I LOVE elderflower liquer in cocktails or white wine and champagne. Anyhoo, this one I kinda wound up be kinda disappointed and let down with. I've no idea what a sugarberry is supposed to smell or taste like (fact: sugarberries are also known as hackberries and the wood is used for furniture). There's a definite berry note, similar to blueberries. Not much elderflower, which is super disappointing. And to say it's called a "spritzer", there's little to no bubbliness/effervescent. This doesn't so much comes across like a drink of any kind, but like a bowl of berry flavored potpourri. My main issue, besides the lack of elderflower and effervescence, is that the scent as a whole is soooooo light. Honestly, if I had bought this in the store, I would take it back and exchange with something else   

  • Lavender Marshmallow - definitely savin the best for last. OMG...O..M..G...this candle is soooooo friggin good...sooo worth the hastle I went thru to get this candle...long story. Anyhoo, this candle is amazeballs, I can't hype it enough! I was so excited when this arrived in the mail that I burned it as soon as I took it out of the box. It burns like a dream, the wax pool was dep and gorgeous and throw...OMG the friggin and around the around..knocked my ass out and loved it! WHY BBW WHY?!!! WHY DIDN'T YALL RELEASE THIS CANDLE?!!!!!
And my dears, that is the end! I probably won't buy anymore candles for awhile..but then again, you never know...

Here's a special bonus treat. I made a Youtube vid which goes more in depth. It's a little longer,longer than I anticipated. So get comfortable, grab a snack and  pour a cup of tea or a glass of wine!


  1. How do you place an order via Customer Relations? Just call the 1-800 number on the website? I really really want one of the Coastal Cool scents that didn't go wide (Suntan).

    1. Actually I heard a rumor that recently CR stopped taking phone orders. Dunno if that's true or not. Here's the number if you want to risk it. 1-800-395-1001


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