NEWNESS UPDATE: Fall 2020 Candles Part 3 *UPDATED*

Another candle collection has recently popped up in certain stores. They're WB candles with wraparound colored labels with leaves, pine trees, or wheat itched in white - they actually look quite nice and autumnal, they have a very folksy/homey crafstore in fall feel to them. And the now, the scents...

Everyone's fall favorite is back - Cider Lane. However be forewarned - they're may be a slight chance that it's the same Cider Lane we all know and love. Apparently the notes in the description are wordforword the same notes as Gather - "bourbon glazed apples, maple sugar, creamy vanilla". Hopefully this is just a factory eff up with the wrong notes being used and the scent itself hasn't changed or folks will riot!

ADDENDUM: It was just, it's been proven to be the same Cinder Lane. Also the actual candle Gather has been added to this collection

The other returning scents in this collection include Leaves, MaBLAHgony STANKwood and Harvest Gathering. Also, returning from last year Fresh Fall Morning and Apple Weather

And, at the moment, there are 2 "new" scents

Pumpkin Bonfire - White Pumpkin, a Bundle of Clove Buds, Glowing Embers (this has to be Pumpkin Fireside aka Campfire Pumpkin) (folks have been saying that this is new BUT based on people's desciptions of it, it kinda sounds like Porchside Pumpkin)

Cozy Cashmere - Smooth Lavender, Warm Vanilla, Comforting Sandalwood (this sounds suspiciously like regular ol Lavender Vanilla. It could also be Comfort or even Iced Vanilla Woods.) (Supposedly this is new)

Lastly, 4 candles mysteriously popped online in the past couple of days. They have halfandhalf wraparound labels with top half looking painted and the bottom half being wood grain. Don't get too excited or intrigued cuz the scents are blah - Crisp Morning Air (uugghhhhhh), Flannel, Mahogany Apple, Vanilla Birch, Shit Cinnamon Poopkin and the one lone new scent being Blackberry & Basil which is a home fragrance version of the soap and bodycare of the same name.


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