RANDOM POST OF THE DAY: Bronzeblogger Update

Greetings my dear fledgeling readers! It's been a minute hasn't it?

Sooo, I have some updates/unfortunate news...

About maybe a week after my last post, I started feeling ill. Based on the symptoms, I assumed it was the start of a chest cold. Then as my symptoms got worse, I thought it was the flu. I did eventually start feeling better and besides a lingering occasional cough, I am still feeling better. Given the circumstances, timing and location (and also because I'm a glass half empty kinda guy), I've resigned myself to the grim realization that I caught COVID-19, albeit an extremely mild case. 

Also, awhile back on the 'gram, I made a public announcement so those of who you followed me may have heard. However for those of you who haven't heard, here's the T. After I came back from abroad back in January, I decided to take a little break. During my hiatus, I found myself having little to no desire to post anything. After much introspective deliberating, I decided to retire being The Bronzeblogger; real talk, my heart just isn't in it anymore. I pretty much completely stopped posting on Instagram which resulted in a even more steady stampede of lost followers which just further cemented my desire to retire. I had pretty much resigned myself to stop blogging on here after my last post..that is, until recently.

With the quarantine, I was out of work and at home more than usual; being the introvert and anti-social homebody that I am, I didn't mind it. Needless to say,  I had a lot of free time...a lot! As the pandemic progressed, I found myself spending quite a lot of said free time in a dark place, ie my head; overthinking, insomnia, nightmares, panic attacks, depression, and hopelessness fueled by Corononavirus panic and paranoia; all of which increased 10fold after getting sick. I needed a distraction for the sake of my mental/emotional health. I also needed something to get my pent up underused creative juices flowing again. And so, here I am...for the time being.

I initially started this blog as therapy; I hadn't written anything for public (or private) viewage in ages. Furthermore, when it came to my growing obsession with BBW candles, I had no one to talk in real depth about it all. And so, I decided to kill 2 birds with one stone and thus "Real Talk about BBW Candles" was born.  So I'd like to go back to my roots and use this blog as both my creative outlet and my personal therapy session. I have a few posts up my sleeve (including one that I have put off for over year) and then I will gracefully bow out and disappear into the sunset.

All that being said, keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming posts and updates that will hopefully bring a little smile to your faces while reading as they did to mine while writing them.


  1. I am so sorry that you were sick, I hope that you are on the mend! This is my first visit to the blog apparently since before you wrote this post - thank you for reminding me that I'm not alone.

    1. Welcome back!
      Yes, I've pretty much recovered. I still have moments when I'm out of breath for a sec but other than that, I'm back to normal.

      And you're welcome; it's comforting knowing that other people are going thru the same things as you


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